Vote Alexandria For South's Best City

Last week we got some really exciting news, Southern Living has nominated Alexandria for their South’s Best awards in the category of “Best City.” As they say in Hollywood, “it’s an honor just to be nominated.”  And, it is. But I want to win. I want to win so very much.More often than not, the media relegates Alexandria to the side note of a story about Washington, D.C. I contend that we are way more than a side note. We are the main story. We are as amazing as Richmond, Asheville, Savannah, and Charleston and it’s time that people knew it. This is that time. This is our opportunity.What can you do? Well that’s easy. Vote. Vote as often as you can from now until midnight on September, 16. Then tell everyone you know to vote as well. Tell your dry cleaner, your neighbor, your pharmacist, your yoga teacher, even the stranger on the street. We are up against some serious competition with much bigger populations, so we have to work together.You may be asking yourselves, “why does she care so much?” Well, I care because press begets press. If Southern Living’s readers vote Alexandria their favorite southern city then others will take notice and Alexandria will show up in the pages of more magazines and newspapers. The buzz starts and then people come to visit us. We get out from under the shadow of Washington, D.C. and the visitors help support our local economy. And, I’m not going to lie, people will shop in my stores and the stores of my fellow Stylebook contributors.It may feel just like a popularity contest, and to some degree I suppose it is, but winning this little recognition makes an economic impact. So, please, spread the word and vote. Let's do this together! Thank you!!PS: While you’re at it, please vote for The Hour in the "Best Boutique" category.  It’s an amazing store, Victoria is an incredible member of the community, and it would be an additional feather in our cap.  (Wink. Wink.)PPS: Our upholstery sale starts this month and goes until the end of the month. More on that next week. 


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