Street Style: Alexander Finestone

If you live in Alexandria, you've seen the work of the gifted and talented Alexander Finestone. As the owner of White Clover Communications, she is the creative designer who fuels almost every boutique around town. From this very site to the warehouse sale and from the Shoe Hive to Old Town Music School, Alexander is patiently and kindly making magic happen behind the scenes. That's why I'm so excited she is being introduced to all of you and given a moment in the spotlight. – Leah of Boxwood  


I really don't know what I would do without Alexander in my life. Not only has she helped me with branding my store, she has elevated all of my marketing. But, that isn't the best part, she is so kind and easy to work with it is astonishing. She always gets it done the first time correctly without much guidance, she is so easy going and her work is amazing. My only worry is that now too many people will know about her and she won't have time for us! – Elizabeth of The Hive and The Shoe Hive


Alexander is extremely talented! I tell her what I need with absolutely no direction and what she designs for my stores is perfection every single time! – Megan of 529 Kids Consign, Mint Collective, and Mint Condition


Alexander has meant so much to me as a graphic designer, a marketing genius, and a friend; it is really tough to put only a few words to it. After all, we've been working together now for almost ten years! Professionally, Alexander created the look, feel, and brand for Fitness on the Run and Alexandria Wellness. She is brilliant in how she takes a story - or a program - we layout for her, and she then turns it into a beautiful product. We consistently receive high praise for our website and designed-by Alexander materials. Alexander knows how to capture the look and feel of what I'm aiming to achieve and portrays it beautifully through her work. Personally, we have talked about pregnancy, babies, kids and the joys and challenges that come with them. She was a source of comfort when I lost my Dad and my sister within four months of each other. In fact, Alexander designed the materials for my father's funeral and – even under duress - refused payment. Alexander is a beautiful soul, a brilliant marketing and design mind, a thoughtful leader of a successful company, a dedicated and loving mother, a level-headed counselor, and a selfless friend. I know I don't know what I'd do without her in my business and my life! – Adrien of Alexandria Wellness


I'm always in awe of what she comes up with for me and how quickly she does it!  Not only is she unbelievably creative and talented, but she's a genuinely lovely human. – Angela of Bellacara


Alexander has been a sparkle to Mystique Jewelers! We have thoroughly enjoyed working with her for so many years, and she is always one step ahead of a design idea that works with our branding. Love you, Alexander! – Liz and Team of Mystique Jewelers


We love Alexander so much! Not just because she is an amazingly talented graphic designer who makes my weird/cheesy ideas look sophisticated and feel professional; she is truly beautiful inside and out and always so fun to work with. We also really love dressing up her adorable kids when they come to shop at Monday's Child. – Maura of Monday's Child


Alexander is truly a creative genius! You tell her once, and she nails it - every time! – Katie of Mint Collective and Mint Condition


Alexander Finestone's creative design skills and love and understanding of Alexandria's businesses and their owners are consistently the rock that brings us together. Her sweet and sassy Mississippi personality always brings us a smile. And as the realtor here, I'd be silly not to mention her interior design eye and finish selections makes her own personal residence sell for top dollar! – Britt of The Patterson Group

Alexander knows exactly what you are looking for before you even know! She is just a delight and is always prompt to help me in any way with Alexandria Stylebook! - Leslie of Alexandria Stylebook


Photography credit : Sarah Marcella Creative

Alexander is styled by The Hive.



Neighborhood: Wellington Heights

How long have you lived in Alexandria: Alexandria 10 years, D.C. area 15 years now!

What is your hometown? Jackson, Mississippi

What brought you to Alexandria? I moved after graduation to work for my hometown Congressman. Met my husband while working on Capitol Hill and have been here since.

What would surprise people about you? I do not eat any fruits or vegetables. However, as I creep closer to the big 4-0 I am working on this. Send help.

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? To stop aging when I reach my prime – like Wonder Woman. Because as my grandmother would say, “It’s hell to get old”

Favorite cocktail: White Russian

Last book read or movie seen: Parenting: 14 Gospel Principles That Can Radically Change Your Family by Paul David Tripp – the audio book though because that’s the only way it’s gonna happen right now.

Guilty Pleasure: Watching Bravo Housewives after the kids are in bed. It’s my mindless “me” time.

Phrase you overuse: “Are you freaking kidding me?!”

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: Night Stalker. And do not watch it. You will never sleep again.

Bucket list travel destination: Santorini, Greece

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Can’t pick. I have a 3 and 5 year old. Both are essential.



Define your style in three words or less: Colorful.

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Freedom Moses slides from Bishop becuase they are so comfortable and awesome for summer.

Favorite trend ever: The fact that Athleisure actually became trendy. Big win for “work from home moms”

Favorite current trend: All the florals

Beauty product you can’t live without: Jouer long-wear lip crème in all the metallics and sparkly shades

Favorite fragrance: Nest Holiday candle

Heels or flats? Probably flats


Favorite room in your home: For now, our backyard. We just moved so the inside is a work in progress.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? More modern, but somewhat of a mix. We just brought my grandmother’s four poster bed back to life with some Annie Sloan chalk paint from Boxwood.

Last item bought for your home: New lighting for several rooms and outside

Next planned purchase: Sectional for family room and stair runners for our 11 year old English Bulldog.

Favorite way to entertain: Outside with twinkle lights, good tunes, plenty of drinks and something on the Green Egg

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter free… but this is almost impossible.

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern or no, so dated: YES!!! Looking at wallpaper now for rooms in our house.


Your go-to work-out: OTF Old Town + small group training

Most fun way to exercise: With my small group on the waterfront.

Group exercise or solo: Group!

Fitness goal: Continuing to improve the nutrition portion of “wellness”

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Hot yoga. Maybe. But I’m not really encouraged from what I hear about it.

Proudest fitness achievement: Strength training and staying active during my two pregnancies. It really made me feel so much better to move every day.


Favorite spot in Alexandria: Del Ray. That neighborhood will always hold a special place in my heart. We lived there for 5 years and it makes me happy every time I venture back to the old hood.

Last purchase in Alexandria: The dress I’m wearing in this shoot from The Hive!

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Coffee/Misha’s – My husband and I enjoy Oak Steakhouse – we are stuffy steakhouse people… and every date night in Old Town should end with a Nutella crepe from Fontaine Caffe in my opinion.

Favorite charity: Operation Christmas Hope. I love nothing more than buying gifts for people.

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Old Town Cookie Crawl. My daughter loves this event and looks forward to it every year. We have to fight over who gets which cookie though.


Your Vacation Exercise Prescription


Spice Up That Jewelry Box Part 8: Cimber