Summer Beauty Made Simple

Summer is here and it’s time for the pool, the beach, and backyard parties. You want to look your best, but let’s face it…sitting by the pool is no place for a face full of makeup. That blowout? Yeah, that doesn’t look so good matted to your forehead and the back of your neck with a pool of sweat. So how can we look chic and keep it simple at the same time? 


We’ve all heard the phrase if you can’t tone it, tan it. That’s because tanned skin doesn’t show all the imperfections that your pale skin will. But since I haven’t tanned my skin (on purpose) since 1999, I use self-tanner. It evens out skin imperfections, hides those dimples a little, and masks the hyperpigmentation on your face (see my earlier post on self-tanning for best results on that one). You will inevitably feel more confident in summer clothing. 

Waterproof Mascara

Lashes make your eyes stand out. A little black mascara goes a long way to emphasizing your eyes. A waterproof formula will keep you looking good even after a swim. 

Lip Balm with Color

A lip balm gives a sheer wash of color while hydrating your lips and won’t look too fussy. 

Hair Updo

I rely on a tight top knot every summer. It looks the same in and out of the water and keeps my hair looking stylish. There are several cute styles that you can try. These are some of my favorites, plus see Aida's post today for additional summer hair hacks. 

Light-Colored Manicure

A light color won’t show those chips you got grabbing the side of the pool or dull as much from the sand on the beach. 


Hey Britt, How’s The Market?


Summer Hair Hacks: Beach Waves, Bantu Knots & Braids