Support our Local Black-owned Businesses

We love Alexandria for the people and the community these people create. We love how a familiar face is never far, and how new faces become familiar quickly. Honestly, we are so spoiled to be surrounded by people who care about and love the same things we do. This deep care and compassion for the community is why we all love Alexandria the way we do.Like many of you, these last few weeks have challenged us to take a deeper look into our hearts, into our minds, and into our community. We feel so ignorant to have been almost blissfully unaware of how deeply rooted racism is in our country. While we certainly do not have the right words to say, and we will never understand how it feels to be discriminated against because of our skin color, we know we have an obligation to do better and to make a vigilant effort to be more aware.Simply posting a black square on Instagram or going silent on social media for a few days is not enough. We need to make a real impact right here in the community we love so much. We always push “support local,” well let’s make even more of an effort to support our local black-owned businesses. Although this is a very small step, these businesses are the backbone of our community and should be celebrated and explored!Below is just a small list to get you started; we are sure there are plenty we missed – send them our way as we would love to add to it.



Photo Credit: The Zebra


 Photo Credit: Zagat
  • • Hawwi Ethiopian
    • • 1123 Queen St



Photo Credit: Northern Virginia Magazine



Psophía Now at TSALT


Jewelry Estate Show and Sale