Taking a Makeup Break

I’ve been hearing from a lot of you that during this quarantine you aren’t wearing makeup. At the start it seemed like it was a good thing, liberating even. But after a while some of you have started to feel down, be less productive, and self-isolate even more.No, it’s not because you stopped wearing makeup. But there is a reason some of the local boutiques and bloggers have started Get Dressed challenges. When we sit around in pajamas or sweatpants all day, we don’t feel as good about ourselves as we do when we take the time to get dressed. That feeling translates into our ability to get things done. Believe it or not, even in our own homes. Studies show we are more productive at work (even if working from the couch) when we are dressed for that purpose. It sets the tone in our minds that it’s time to go to work even if we are sitting at the kitchen table.  The same can be said for getting up, taking a shower, doing our hair, and yes…putting on a little makeup. We don’t wear makeup just for others. We wear makeup for ourselves. A little concealer, some blush, mascara, and a little lip color can do wonders for our psyche when we catch our reflection throughout the day. Monday through Friday I put makeup on. It makes me feel better. I’m not wearing as much as I would if I was headed to a meeting, but I definitely put a little on every day. It also makes me more productive. Sound strange? I’ve had several requests to jump on unexpected Zoom calls. I can tell you right now, that if I was sitting in pajamas with no makeup on, those calls would never have happened.If you are one of the lucky ones who looks in the mirror with no makeup on and loves her makeup free face…Bravo! Somedays, that’s me too. But on the days when you wake up and your spirit could use a lift, consider putting on a little makeup. You may be surprised at how much better you feel. 


Towards Normal Not Back To Normal


Front Porch Sessions with Sarah Marcella