Homework For Your Home

As the vibrant colors of summer gradually give way to the warm hues of autumn, it's time to shift focus to getting your home ready for the upcoming season. Fall offers the perfect opportunity to carry out essential maintenance tasks that will not only protect your property from the challenges of colder weather, but also ensure your living space remains comfortable and efficient throughout the transition. 

For the next few months, consider this checklist for home maintenance that will maintain the value of your home.

September: Planting and Preparing

Plant Fall Perennials: Embrace the beauty of next year by planting fall perennials such as peonies, columbine, and hydrangea. Ensure new plants receive ample water before they go dormant, potentially leading to a delightful early bloom next spring. Bulbs like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths can also be planted before the ground freezes.

Lawn Care: Start by raking fallen leaves or mowing them over to prevent them from suffocating your lawn. This simple step will ensure a healthier and more vibrant lawn come spring.

Exterior Maintenance: As the season changes, schedule gutter cleaning and inspection to get ahead of fall rains. While checking your gutters, make sure to do a visual inspection of your roof for any loose or broken tiles.

Interior Projects: Embrace the cozy indoor vibes by embarking on indoor projects like bathroom updates or painting. Take advantage of the winding down of outdoor activities to give your living space a refresh.

October: Final Prep

Landscaping: Plant trees and shrubs before the ground freezes, ensuring they have ample time to establish themselves. 

Outdoor Water Systems: Prevent freezing damage by draining and shutting off outdoor faucets, and rolling up and storing hoses for the winter.

HVAC Check: Ensure efficient heating during colder months by scheduling an HVAC system service. This service will optimize your system's performance, promoting a cozy atmosphere indoors.

Air Filters: Keep your indoor air quality pristine by inspecting and replacing air filters in your HVAC system.

November: Final Touches

Mulching with Leaves: A light layer of fallen leaves under shrubs and trees can serve as natural mulch, protecting roots during the winter months. Alternatively, mowing over leaves once a week can provide nutrients and break them down for easier management.

Winterizing: Prevent freezing damage to your sprinkler system by shutting it down and performing necessary winterization steps. Similarly, ensure that your firewood remains dry and usable by covering and storing it on pallets.

Pool Care: As temperatures drop, it's time to bid farewell to pool season. Properly clean, close, and cover your pool for the winter or hire professionals to handle the job.

Chimney Inspection: Before embracing the warmth of your fireplace or furnace, schedule a chimney cleaning and inspection to ensure safe and efficient operation.

Window and Door Sealing: Enhance your home's insulation by installing storm windows and glass panels on storm doors, sealing warmth indoors.

Dryer Vent Maintenance: To prevent fire hazards, have your dryer vent inspected and cleaned by professionals to ensure optimal airflow.

Heating System Test: Ensure a cozy indoor environment by testing your heating system to ensure it's in proper working condition.

From planting and landscaping to essential exterior and interior maintenance, each task plays a role in creating a comfortable, efficient, and inviting living space as you transition from the warmth of summer to the crispness of autumn and beyond. Embrace the changing seasons with confidence, knowing that your home is prepared to face whatever comes its way!

Britt Patterson

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Born, raised, and bred in Alexandria, VA, Britt Patterson is a true product of the great state of Virginia. Britt attended Waynewood Elementary (Class of ’96), Carl Sandburg Middle School (Class of ’98) , and West Potomac High School (Class of ’02), she then went on to attend Virginia Tech (go Hokies!) where she majored in Business Marketing and Minored in Real Estate. Britt “officially” joined the family business as a licensed Realtor in 2008 after two years of working the political fundraising field and prides herself on her Alexandria real estate knowledge, alongside her integrity, loyalty, and professionalism as an agent and Vice President for the family business.


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