Vacation Is Over, Makeup Is Back On
The vacation is over, school is about to start and it’s time to get back to work. While we had an amazing time, I am very happy to be home. It isn’t easy keeping up your skincare and haircare regimens traveling to a different country every three days…don’t even get me started on the diet. I love a nice hotel room, but I really missed my bathroom. At home I have two sinks in my bathroom. I didn’t really understand how critical that was to a marriage, but I do now. It turns out that when you have two sinks you can be married for over twenty years and not know that your husband’s sink resembles an infinity pool every morning. Not even an exaggeration. The entire counter was covered in water. Why??? Every morning. I can’t even.This may not seem like that big of a deal, but when you’ve been out late the night before and have to be somewhere early, you like your sleep. You wake up with just the time you need to get ready. You don’t anticipate having to do an entire mop up of the bathroom before you can lay your hair brush down or brush your teeth. So yes, this does mess up your morning routine. You end up doing the bare minimum and makeup is often not an option timewise. And yes, you sport a ponytail more often than you’d like.
I also learned that you can pack your bag to rolled item perfection with everything in its place on your way there. But half-way through the trip, once more clothes are in the ever-growing laundry bag, that all goes out the window. That bag is now infringing on your clean items and all the ironed clothes that you rolled are now wrinkled. And if you think the five men you are traveling with are going to wait for breakfast while you iron your cotton shirt…well Cinderella…think again. They’ve already pressed the elevator button before you can figure out the strange European ironing board in your closet and you run out looking like you fished that shirt out of the laundry bag. You eventually give up on wearing anything that’s a natural fiber.You had ideas in your head of how stylish you’d be on this trip and what great photos you’d have, but alas…this is not to be. No one will gaze at your Facebook photos and think “How does she do it?” No, they’ll say “I thought they only had four boys?”So yes, I am very happy to be home. I’m happy to see you all again and to get started gearing up for fall at Bellacara. If you pop in, I’ll be the one in heels, makeup and by God…a silk blouse.