What Is The Dress Code For Fire & Ice? Wait, What, Fire & Ice?

Fire and Ice - Origin and History

I first experienced Fire & Ice on a trip to Austin, Texas. When I travel, the first order of business is to locate a legit gym and coffee shop. In Austin, I found both in one place, CrossFit Central, one of the original CrossFit gyms that started circa 2005. Co-founders Jeremy Thiel and Carey Kepler have created a strong and welcoming community of great coaches and athletes of all levels, types, and abilities - it’s the embodiment of the CrossFit spirit and worth the trip. Housed within their gym building is a coffee shop, nirvana!

After a workout, I was chatting (shocker) with the coach and inquired about a sign-up sheet for Fire & Ice. Coach Parker explained the three-part experience, breathing, sauna, and cold plunge. He added that it was excellent for many things, particularly relieving stress and anxiety.  Apparently, it was obvious that I was a prime candidate for stress and anxiety relief. I signed up without delay.

It Starts With Breathing


It starts with three cycles of a breathing exercise based on the Wim Hof Method. The breathing cycle is a circular deep in and out thirty times, followed by a breath-hold on the last exhale. We do this three times. The breathing cycles: 1) set your mind “right,” it puts you in a relaxed but in full control mental state; 2) reoxygenate your muscular system; and 3) reset the nervous system. We discover that we can control and influence elements of our pre-programmed mental and physical reactions to adverse conditions. This will come in handy later in the process. The result of the breathing session is a reset that puts you in the right mindset to take on the sauna and the cold plunge.


FIRE - the sauna

We get in the sauna for six to eight minutes. The objective is to get uncomfortable and push your limits. The time is less important than the destination, moderate discomfort, but not duress.

ICE - the cold plunge

Next cold plunge for a minute. Again, get uncomfortable, manage the mental gymnastics of meeting the challenge to get in and stay in. It’s cold, but you are not going to die.


FIRE – back to the sauna

It will feel good after the cold plunge. Now the objective is to stay in a little longer than the first round, push your limits again. This is a mental and physical process.

ICE- again!

Now back to the cold plunge for three minutes. This will get real. It may get a little rough; trust yourself. This is the point we are tuning into a part of our mental capacity previously under or never used. We first tapped into it in the beginning with the breathing. Discomfort is temporary; breath, relax and be intentional, you are in control. After two minutes, the mental gymnastics and physical discomfort will all settle down, and you may not want to get out.

And, that is it!

Some people like to jump back into the sauna for a minute to warm up and dunk back into the cold plunge.

You have been and overcome discomfort, maybe felt fear, or had a strong fight or flight sensation (or two). Now you know you are in control. You can survive discomfort and reap the benefit. I recommend people take some time after to lay down or sit comfortably, relax, and reflect on what just happened. 

My Personal Experience

The Fire & Ice experience at CrossFit Central was a turning point for me. When I showed up at CFC, I was in a dark place, personal and professional circumstances were less than ideal. The student (me) was ready and receptive to the teacher, and the proverbial teacher appeared. For me, it was a mental, spiritual, and physical experience. The chronic inflammation and pain in my feet and ankles was relived, not gone, but remarkably better. Going in, my mental state was precarious. The reset that took place from quieting my mind in the breathing and ice bath gave me a new set of eyes and ears. I was in a much better place to see and hear things, good and bad. I was not struck by lightning and fixed, but I had a new view and path out of the darkness to follow. The next morning as I reflected on the experience and conversations that took place, I was overcome with emotion, deep gratitude. Some of those present and conversations we had were not mere coincidence. The message they had for me, and I had for one of them, was divinely inspired.

The inspiration of the overall experience, exposure to the Wim Hof Method, and the benefits of thermal therapy have endured. I have done further study and discovery of the Wim Hof Method, attended workshops, and practice the method regularly. Thermal therapy is a regular feature in my training for both the physical and mental benefits.

I want others to experience the same benefits I have enjoyed from this process. So, we incorporated a Zen Garden with sauna and ice baths into The Loop Coworking at 215 N. Payne Street. We are lucky to have a certified Wim Hof instructor here in Alexandria. Robert Soulliere runs Wim Hof workshops at The Loop Coworking. More information can be found at www.wimhofmethod.com/instructors/bobsoulliere. Feel free to reach out to me anytime or message me on Instagram if you want to dive deeper.

Dress code is skimpy.

Christopher Campagna

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Christopher Campagna pioneers flexible workspace alternatives for commercial real estate owners, managers, developers, and SMEs seeking modern solutions. As the founder of Braddock Commercial Real Estate Solutions and The Loop Coworking, Christopher is positioning commercial real estate assets for the future. Vision and passion fuel this entrepreneurial thought leader, as does his rich experience: a three-decade legacy of providing office space solutions to small and medium-sized businesses, tenure with a prominent global real estate firm, co-managing a local family-owned real estate business, and expertise in real estate appraisal. 


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