You Asked for More Nuxe…You Got It

Many of you were as devastated as we were when Nuxe picked up and left the U. S. a few years ago. Stories of how people were rationing their lip balm were frequent. I smuggled a few jars back from Italy in 2017 so I wouldn’t be without, only to tell the story to people who offered to buy them from me at a premium. No joke…but the answer was definitely no, sorry I need the stuff.When Nuxe decided to try it here once again, I was thrilled, but leery. Right about the time they decided to leave I was planning to expand our Nuxe offerings. I was thankful I hadn’t when they left. So, when they came back, I decided to make sure they were here to stay before getting in even deeper. I’m happy to report that they are here to stay.This couldn’t be better news to those of you who tell me constantly that this or the other item is the best thing you’ve ever used. Those of you pining for the body oil will be pleased to know that it is in store. Others have been begging for the facial care and yes, it too is in store.If you haven’t had the chance to try Nuxe, I encourage you to come by to sample, slather, and smell the line for yourself. It’s a much easier trip than heading overseas and you won’t put on the five pounds I did thanks to that Italian pasta!   


Why I Quit Being (Just) a Personal Trainer


Staging Tips with Brittany Simon