Hi! We are Jean and Kendall, mother and daughter, and co-founders of Moneta Accounting Solutions. Both CPAs, we are so excited to join forces and pursue the dream of having a business of our own. Between us, we have over 35 years of experience in the accounting industry, and can’t wait to help fellow entrepreneurs and business owners get their finances in order and take the timely (and, yes, boring for many) task of maintaining the books off their hands.
Where does the name Moneta come from? Juno Moneta is the Roman goddess of money and protectress of funds. She is often depicted on ancient coins, and is shown holding a pair of scales with which to measure out the pile of money that lies at her feet. She is also believed to have been the guard of the Roman temple Capitoline, which was used as the mint for the Roman Empire for over four centuries. We thought to ourselves, “how perfect is this?!” and thus, Moneta Accounting Solutions was born.