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5 Stretches You Should Do Every Day

More than anything else, I get requests for certain stretches for specific ailments. I get these questions in my Pilates classes, over texts, and now, social platforms. Most of the time, I respond with a targeted exercise that improves range of motion and strength, not necessarily a certain typical stretch. But… because everyone loves a good stretch (they just feel good, right?), here are five that I recommend you do every day to maintain mobility and health. The great thing is, most of these can be done right in your kitchen.

1. Door/Pec Stretch: Line your arms up in a narrow door frame. Place one foot in front and lean forward. You should feel the stretch in your chest, not in the front of the shoulder.

2. Figure 4/Glute Stretch: Hold on to your kitchen counter, cross your foot over your thigh and shift down and back like you're sitting in a chair.

3. Supine Hamstring Stretch: This one requires you to perform either on your bed or on the floor. Hold on to the back of your thigh and keep your thigh still. Bend and straighten your knee by using your quad muscles (on the top of your thigh).

4. Calf Stretch: Make sure your foot is not turning out, and your heel is planted on the floor the whole time. Lean forward against a wall. Try with your knee bent, too, and that isolates a different muscle.

5. Quad/Hip Flexor Stretch: This one is likely the most popular and familiar, but make sure you tuck your bum and pull your knee back, and you'll get the hip flexor too!

The million dollar question is how long do you hold these stretches? That can vary. In general, hold for a longer duration and a lower load, so not too vigorously for 30-60 seconds. But even if you hold for 10 seconds, you will feel the benefits. Let me know if you have questions and please follow me on Instagram @drmeganbrown.