Wellness Adrien Cotton Wellness Adrien Cotton

Adrien Cotton Meets Ms. Moxie

I recently sat down with Emily Coccia, Owner and CEO of Ms. Moxie's Moon Shop, a menstrual health boutique for every phase and everyone, to talk about life, how to serve women best, and our upcoming program: Why Fitness at 40 Feels Elusive: Strategies to Feel Your Best at Any Age.

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Wellness Adrien Cotton Wellness Adrien Cotton

Why I Beg You to Lift Weights

We begin to lose muscle mass at age 30. It’s crucial to keep it!  We have been sold a line that if we sweat, we will lose weight. To many, sweat is the indicator of a “good workout” and you think strength training won’t make you sweat. But that’s simply not true. 

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Wellness Kristen Mahoney, MA, LPC Wellness Kristen Mahoney, MA, LPC

Overstimulated Minds: Understanding Mental Overload in Women

For many women, this sense of mental overstimulation is particularly pronounced, affecting their daily lives, mental health, and overall well-being. It’s like trying to juggle flaming torches while walking on a tightrope—except the torches are actually emails, chores, and endless “what’s for dinner?” queries.

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Wellness Dr. Shara Posner Wellness Dr. Shara Posner

A Chiropractor’s Guide to Pain-free Travel

Summer vacation is here for many, and the excitement of traveling is undeniable. It’s also crucial to keep our spines happy and healthy while on-the-go. Here are some tips to help you avoid travel-related issues like back pain and neck stiffness.

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Wellness, Lifestyle Adrien Cotton Wellness, Lifestyle Adrien Cotton

Summer Reads

This summer, I’m recommending you embrace both relaxation and mind-stimulation. A captivating story or inspiring tale can give you just the break you need, whether poolside or tucked into bed. 

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Wellness Adrien Cotton Wellness Adrien Cotton

Red Carpet Celebrities on Menopause

With the Tony Awards this month, I’m looking forward to the fashion and the drama. But do you know what's another red carpet topic? Menopause. Yes, I said it. It's not some dirty word we should avoid; it's something we should celebrate.

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