7 Common Mistakes That Are Sabotaging Your Hair Growth (And How to Fix Them)

Hair growth can feel like one of those elusive goals, like a long, flowing river that keeps getting dammed up somewhere upstream. We've all been there – staring at the mirror, willing our hair to just *grow already*. But often, it’s not just about what we’re doing to encourage hair growth; it’s about what we’re unknowingly doing wrong.

Here are some common mistakes that could be stalling your hair’s journey toward length and health, plus a few tips I swear by for boosting growth.

1. Overwashing Your Hair

Yes, we all want clean hair, but overwashing can strip your scalp of its natural oils. These oils are critical in maintaining a healthy scalp, which is where healthy hair begins. If you're washing your hair every day, you might be doing more harm than good. Try to scale back and consider using a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo that won’t dry out your hair. Personally, I’ve been using ZENAGEN shampoo and scalp serum to nourish my scalp and promote hair growth, and I’ve noticed a huge difference. My hair feels stronger, thicker, fuller, and it’s actually growing faster than ever. It cleans without stripping, leaving my hair feeling healthier overall.

2. Skipping Regular Trims

It might sound counterintuitive, but not trimming your hair regularly is a major growth inhibitor. Split ends travel upward, causing breakage along the length of your hair. When you don’t trim them, your hair starts to look thinner and more damaged, which eventually leads to more cutting than if you’d just done regular trims. A simple dusting every 8 to 12 weeks will keep your ends healthy and your hair growing strong.

3. Too Much Heat Styling

Heat styling tools are great for that sleek finish, but they can wreak havoc on your hair if used too often or without proper heat protection. Excessive heat can weaken your hair structure, making it prone to breakage. On wash days, I always take the time to prepare my hair in advance. I apply Hair Medicine Oil (you can find it in our Salon boutique) either the day of or the night before I wash my hair. Using my Salon deZEN boar bristle brush, I gently massage and stimulate my scalp to get my follicles activated, while also helping the oil absorb into my scalp and hair. This step nourishes and protects my strands before washing, and I’ve noticed it makes a real difference in the health and strength of my hair.

I’ve written on this subject before, see Heat-damaged Hair? Here’s the Solution and How Flat Ironing Affects Your Hair Color.

4. Using the Wrong Hair Products

Not all products are created equal, and using the wrong ones for your hair type can lead to buildup, scalp irritation, or even worse—hair loss. Pay attention to your hair’s needs and switch up your routine as needed. If you’re not sure what products are right for you, it’s worth consulting with a professional or doing some research to find ones that work for your hair’s specific texture and condition.

5. Poor Diet and Hydration

Healthy hair starts from within, and if your body isn’t getting the nutrients it needs, your hair won’t either. A diet lacking in essential vitamins like biotin, zinc, and omega-3s can seriously slow down hair growth. Likewise, hydration plays a key role in overall hair health. To make sure I’m nourishing my hair from the inside out, I use and recommend Goldie Locks supplements. They’re packed with the essential nutrients your hair needs to grow strong and healthy. Along with staying hydrated and eating a balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, and proteins, these vitamins are a great way to boost your hair growth journey.

6. Ignoring Your Scalp

Your scalp is the foundation of hair growth, but it's often the most neglected part of a hair care routine. Massaging your scalp regularly can help stimulate circulation and promote hair growth. And don’t forget to exfoliate! Product buildup, dead skin cells, and excess oil can clog your hair follicles, preventing new growth. I recommend essentially dry brushing for your scalp. It’s like a massage that stimulates circulation—trust me, I love it so much! It feels amazing and helps wake up those hair follicles.

7. Tight Hairstyles

We all love a good sleek ponytail or protective style, but too much tension on your hair can lead to breakage or even traction alopecia, a form of hair loss caused by repetitive pulling. Give your hair a break with loose styles and gentle accessories, and avoid tight elastics that can damage your hair shaft.

If you’re feeling impatient while waiting for your hair to grow, getting extensions can be a great way to achieve the long hair you want right now, while giving your own hair the chance to grow out properly. Extensions allow you to enjoy the look of long, beautiful hair while treating your natural hair and scalp the best way possible to achieve your longest, healthiest hair ever. See Why Hair Extensions Are Your Ultimate Hair Solution.

Hair growth takes patience, but with the right approach (and the help of key products like ZENAGEN shampoo, scalp serum, Hair Medicine Oil, and Goldie Locks vitamins), you’ll start to see progress. Remember, the health of your hair is in the details, so listen to your hair, tune into what it needs, and give it the care it deserves. Here's to hair that grows long, strong, and vibrant—just like you.

Visit us at deZEN to learn more about our services and how we can help you on your hair journey.

SEE ALSO: Fall Hair Color Trends 2024

Maria Elizabeth

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Founder | Owner | Stylist | Philanthropist

Loves helping her clients connect to their inner authentic selves. By making connections with her clients and team, she brings meaning and purpose to every engagement. With over 20 years of experience, Maria is a mastermind of all things hair and beauty. She especially loves techniques like balayage where she precisely hand paints hair to create exquisite color. She is also well-known for her precision cuts. She can literally cut a whole head of hair with the tiniest razor blade imaginable.

When Maria is not behind the chair, she does her best to support her team and community in every way. Watching individual stylists flourish in this every changing profession brings Maria much joy. Maria believes, that “if you are not reaching back to help others then you are not building a legacy.”


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