I Can’t Stop Touching My Face

Many of you know, I have a furry face. It’s blond hair, so for the most part I ignore it. However, there are areas where the hair grows a bit long. I can occasionally resemble a catfish if I’m not careful. I have a hair razor (the Hollywood Browzer) which helps me keep the length from getting out of control, but sometimes I wish I could get rid of all of it.Why can’t I, you might ask? That’s a perfectly good question. I’ve tried waxing on many occasions. I seem to be one of those people that inevitably ends up with red welts afterwards. They last for a week or so, and I have finally decided it isn’t worth it. How about threading? The last time I tried that, I ended up with a bad case of folliculitis. Painful and unsightly…never again. I had just about resigned myself to a life of Grinch-like fur, when my dermatologist (Dr. Lily Talakoub) suggested I try a dermaplaning facial. 

Photo Credit: StackedSkincare.com

 A dermaplaning facial consists of a sharp surgical like knife being used to gently scrape the top layer of skin off. Not only do you rid yourself of unwanted facial hair, but you get a wonderful topical exfoliation of dead surface cells. Not to worry, the myth that your hair will grow back faster or more coarse is just that…a myth.After my dermaplaning facial I couldn’t believe how smooth my skin felt and looked. My makeup went on perfectly and didn’t need near the effort it usually does to blend. I should also mention that I can’t stop touching my face. It feels so smooth - I can’t get over it. I was told that this should last approximately six weeks before I’ll need to do it again. The facial wasn’t inexpensive and I don’t have an hour every six weeks for a luxurious facial as much as I might like it. The good news is there is such a thing as a dermaplaning lunchtime facial. In just 25 minutes you can get an express dermaplaning facial at about half the cost of a full facial.With no down time, no red welts and no face fuzz for six weeks…this may hit the ranks of maintenance with the likes of getting my hair colored. I don’t think I can ever go back. 


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