Can Psychedelic Medicine Help Me?

By now, you have probably heard the news about psychedelic drugs (we prefer to call it medicine) being used to treat mental health conditions or you know someone who is experimenting with microdosing mushrooms or undergoing ketamine treatment. And if you have not heard about it yet, you will soon. This is an exciting new frontier for mental health treatment. Both my business partner, Dr. Eleni Boosalis, and I were recently trained in Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and are pleased to officially launch these new services in June 2023. Since we are receiving significant interest, I thought I would share some of the most common questions in case this may help you or a loved one on their journey.

What is psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy?

Psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is a type of therapy that involves the use of psychedelic substances, such as LSD, psilocybin (mushrooms), MDMA, or Ketamine to enhance the therapeutic process. It is a targeted, time-limited treatment that requires clients to take a psychoactive substance under the guidance of a trained therapist in a controlled setting. The goal of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is to help clients achieve a state of heightened self-awareness, introspection, and insight, which can facilitate the resolution of deep-seated emotional and psychological issues.

Is this type of therapy new? 

Psychedelic medicine has been used in various cultures for thousands of years as a part of traditional healing practices. However, the modern use of psychedelics in therapy is relatively new and gained popularity in the 1950s and 1960s before being banned in the United States in the 1970s due to the war on drugs. In recent years, there has been a resurgence of interest in psychedelic-assisted therapy as a treatment for a range of mental health conditions. The research on this type of therapy is ongoing, and it is still considered an emerging field but the findings are very promising and almost every state is working hard to allow these substances to be FDA-approved as a treatment for mental health. Research is being conducted at most major hospitals and institutions and activists are advocating for these interventions to be recognized and covered by the American Medical Association and insurance companies. 

Why did you choose Ketamine for your practice versus psilocybin? 

The short answer is that Ketamine is currently legal in every state because it is a commonly used dissociative anesthetic used in hospital settings. We are working within our scope of training and the law but look forward to incorporating additional psychedelic treatments as they become legal in the next few years. 

How did you get interested in doing this work? 

In the last few years, I had more and more clients stating that they were using different strains of marijuana and mushrooms for increased insight and healing. To be truthful, I am a Nancy Regan kid of the 80s who was raised with “Say No To Drugs,” and was in the conservative camp when it came to illegal drug use. However, my interest peaked when I saw people coming to insights and experiencing mind shifts that we were not able to get to in traditional therapy or let’s say, not as easily or as rapidly. Dr. Eleni and I decided to undergo a year-long training in Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy because it is currently the only psychedelic substance that is legal in Virginia. 

Who can benefit from Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy? 

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy can be a highly effective treatment for clients struggling with various forms of anxiety, depression (especially Treatment Resistant Depression), Bipolar Disorder, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and chronic pain related conditions.

The goal of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy is to help clients achieve a state of heightened self-awareness, introspection, and insight, which can facilitate the resolution of deep-seated emotional and psychological issues. Many people who do not have a clinical diagnosis can also benefit from Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy. The transformative psychedelic journey and powerful biochemical effects (especially new neuronal connections) can support personal healing and growth. These new neuronal connections may assist in resolving issues such as feelings of extreme burnout, identity challenges, or stagnation in one’s life.

How does it work in your office? 

We offer Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy in both individual and group healing sessions. The first step is getting a medical clearance with our associate, Sonia Palmieri, MSN, ANP-BC, of Tranquil Healthcare or another Ketamine prescriber. We then conduct a psychological intake session to establish a relationship, determine treatment goals, and prepare you for the ketamine experience. The actual sessions are scheduled over two to three hours and involve intention setting and prep, the “journey” in which you take your prescribed sublingual lozenges, and integration. We have a designated room with a comfortable reclining chair, blankets, an eye mask, and music to support your journey. 

While under the influence of ketamine, you'll engage in psychotherapy techniques with the guidance of one of our trained therapists. This part of the journey may involve exploring and processing emotions, memories, and/or traumatic experiences. The altered state induced by ketamine can facilitate deeper introspection and potentially help you gain new insights and perspectives. After each ketamine session, there will be a period of integration and follow-up. This involves discussing and integrating the insights and experiences gained during the session into your daily life. The therapist will work with you to develop coping strategies, identify behavioral changes, and support your progress throughout the treatment process. 

What are your group offerings? 

We are excited to offer monthly group healing sessions. These five-hour events will be held in our group space at the Wellness Junction. We aim to create a sacred and safe healing space that involves sharing, intention setting, journeying, and other elements such as breathing, meditation, and movement to maximize your experience. People often find the group experience extremely powerful because we heal in community. If you historically “buck” at the thought of a group psychotherapy setting, I would encourage you to reconsider, as this is quite a different experience. We truly believe that everyone who finds their way to the group healing is meant to be there at that time. 

How many sessions does it take? 

Here’s the answer that no one wants - it varies. On average, six to ten sessions are found to be most effective with those with more moderate to severe mental health conditions. Research has shown that higher doses of Ketamine provide immediate relief of symptoms for over seventy percent of those with severe depression and anxiety when they undergo six sessions in a two-week period. 

For others, they may need only one or two sessions to address their needs or gain the insights that allow them to make changes to their thoughts or behaviors. 

How much does it cost? 

To be honest, it is an expensive treatment at this time for many and it is not currently covered by insurance. Sessions average $650.00. However, it depends on how you value your money and where you want to invest. While Ketamine or psychedelic medicines are not a panacea or “cure-all”, they can be seen as a therapy accelerator. Our goal is always to heal people and find healing and freedom in the quickest and most efficient way. 

We do respect that cost is a concern for many and there are programs like Mindbloom that allow more affordable options for at-home Ketamine treatment. However, we believe that your experience is going to be significantly enhanced or maximized in conjunction with a trained KAP therapist, or at the minimum, a licensed therapist who helps you maximize your insights. It is really important to be prepared for the journey and to experience all that may come up for you, both pleasant and unpleasant emotions, in a safe and secure environment. 

Interested in submitting a question to Dr. Lauren? Submit anonymously here

To read more about Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy and our offerings at Del Ray Psych & Wellness, click here.

Dr. Lauren Fisher

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Dr. Lauren Fisher is a licensed clinical psychologist and the co-owner of Del Ray Psych & Wellness, LLC. She has been working and practicing in Northern Virginia for the past 14 years. She is passionate about helping individuals live their lives more authentically, easily, and joyfully. In particular, her focus lies in working with adults who are experiencing depression and anxiety and who are seeking healing, change, and growth in their lives. She has a love for cats, travelling, self-growth, and bringing people together to celebrate life.

Dr. Fisher is also committed to enhancing community wellness through events and acts of charity with other like-minded business owners. She currently serves as the President of the Del Ray Business Association and was recently awarded the Alexandria Chamber's 40 under 40 award for leadership in the community.


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