Alexandria Stylebook

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What Not to Wear Over Forty

Greetings, my fabulous sisters! Imagine this: I find myself at a delightful gathering, when suddenly, I overhear a woman passing judgment on another woman's attire, giggling to her gaggle, “OhMG, she's far too old to be wearing that!”  

I then look down at my outfit and start to wonder. Thank goodness my glass of rosé brings me back to my senses. 

I really want to say, “Dahhhling, any woman, especially the woman who has survived four decades, nurtured children, weathered married life, endured a divorce, suffered a cancer scare, lost a beloved parent, or gone through any other major life-changing event literally should not give a sh*t if it’s ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ to wear certain things.” 

I hope we’ve learned the best things in life are the simple pleasures like rockin’ bad ass, boss heels found at Mint Condition or feeling really sexy in that luxy leather jacket from American in Paris — because you can.  

And as we also know, there are many times when comfort rules the day, and I don’t know one woman who would agree giving up their cozy wine pants is a good idea. 

We’ve read the pieces, (insert eye roll) flipping through those magazines; don’t wear frosty eye shadow, your fine lines are accentuated or the style-shaming question, “What Were They Thinking?” I’ll tell you what they were thinking; they were thinking they looked damn good until some rotten influencer said they didn’t. 

We’ve all been there. Standing in front of our closet, staring blankly at the endless options, wondering what to wear. But as we age, the question becomes less about what to wear and more about what not to wear.  

And while fashion trends come and go, there are a few things that should never make their way into our wardrobes after the fabulous age of 40, and I know because I’ve already cleaned out my closet.  

First on the hanger, jealousy. That’s right, leave the envy at the door. It’s not a good look. Not only does it age you, but it also makes you seem petty and insecure. So, instead of wearing jealousy, try donning confidence. You’ve earned it! You’ve lived through decades: smoking in bars, acid washed jeans and 90210 episodes and yes, you’ve come out on the other side stronger and wiser. Embrace your experiences and wear them like a badge of honor. After all, there’s nothing more attractive than a woman who knows who she is and what she wants. (And if it’s chocolate you want, pop into Old Town’s new chocolate shoppe, Madame Coco for fabulous finds and fine chocolate!) 

Next up: hate. It’s a strong word, but it’s an even stronger emotion. And it has no place in your wardrobe. Hate ages you, plain and simple. It creates wrinkles and stress lines that no amount of expensive makeup can cover up. So my lovely birds instead of wearing hate, try wearing some fat love. Love for yourself, love for others, love for life. Surround yourself with positivity and let it radiate from within. Shine on girl! (Note: when you are looking to express that shine, you must head to Stylists at North, a lifestyle atelier where the team of experts will have you radiating like the sun) 

And last but not least: bitterness. We’ve all been hurt in the past, but holding onto that bitterness only hurts ourselves. It’s like wearing a heavy coat of negativity that weighs us down and prevents us from moving forward. So, instead of wearing bitterness, maybe wear forgiveness. I know I know… but you’ll feel so much better. Forgive those who have wronged you, and forgive yourself for any mistakes you’ve made. It’s a freeing feeling. 

So, there they are, three definitive items you should never wear after forty: jealousy, hate, and bitterness. Go ahead dolls, walk down King Street and when you do, strut that confidence, love, and forgiveness.  

And if you’re ever feeling lost in the fashion department, just remember, the best accessory you can wear is a smile. It’s timeless, it’s classic, and it looks smashing on you.  

- Meshelle “Meshe” Armstrong