Alexandria Stylebook

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Exciting Things Are On The Way!

One of the most exciting things about owning a business is finding new brands with amazing products to carry in the store. The search is always on to find the right fit for our fabulous customers. With that said, I took my wing woman, store manager Jennifer, with me to New York City to attend the NY NOW 2022 Summer Market at the Javits Center in Manhattan. This was our first time at this event. Wow, what an experience!

The venue was huge. There were demos, speakers, presentations, and 1000 brands, all eager to show their products and share their stories. The energy was incredible! It was like the first time going to an amusement park. Jennifer and I scoured every aisle to make sure we covered potential brands for Bellacara. We also had the holidays in mind. Yes, it's still summer, but this is the time to prepare for the seasons ahead!

After the market, we toured the storied shops on 5th Avenue for inspiration at Bergdorf and Saks. For me, it was nostalgic and invigorating to be able to share my experience and knowledge at these specialty retailers from my past. At the end of the day, we felt exhausted yet accomplished.

I'm happy to share that after a jam-packed couple of days in the Big Apple, new and exclusive brands are coming to Bellacara! Stay tuned. You're in for an exciting ride!