Alexandria Stylebook

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Get Dressed Challenge 2022

It was 9pm and I was still in my tube socks, spandex shorts, and ugly t-shirt from my morning workout. My hair was tied back in a low bun and my greasy roots were covered by a baseball hat. Does this moment sound familiar to anyone? 

The post-COVID trend of wearing comfortable clothing all day is still there for those of us who work from home or go into the office only a few times per week. It’s also there for us moms who venture out of the house two times per day: drop-off and pick-up. Personally, I am working from home, transitioning out of postpartum with a 10-month-old, and participating in the riveting drop-off and pick-up schedule for my four-year-old who is in preschool. My days aren’t thrilling, but I want to be consistently polished and put-together because….it just feels good! I need some motivation, people! With that being said, the Get Dressed Challenge will officially begin on Monday, November 14! 

The Get Dressed Challenge was originally created on my Instagram in 2019 to inspire people to not just get dressed, but to put a little love into the process of getting dressed. What do I mean by that? Anyone can throw on a sweatshirt, leggings, and neutral Golden Goose sneakers –  but have you noticed that’s what everyone does? 

What makes you you?

Take your standard outfit to the next-level by replacing leggings for something with a button, and throwing on a belt, some lip gloss, and a cool overcoat. Toss on a logo-less baseball hat if you don’t have time to do your hair. How long did that take? An extra minute?

Let’s say your coat is a beautiful shade of maroon because that’s your favorite cozy fall color, and your sneakers might have some magenta laces. You then realize that magenta and maroon look pretty cool together. This color combo might inspire you to paint your nails a vanilla bean brown because you’re feeling spicy and it all just works! This process is something I like to call “discovering your personal style” and it shouldn’t be feared. It should be embraced! And the Get Dressed Challenge is the perfect time to try!

For this season’s challenge, Stylebook boutiques are donating gift cards to daily challenge winners!

A big thank you goes to The Hive, The Shoe Hive, Yellow Jacket, Bishop Boutique, Mint Condition, and Monday’s Child for their involvement! Something I love about this challenge is that it shines a lot of light (near and far) on our local shops. Shopping local and small is important! If you can’t get into the stores due to lack of time, remember they are all online and they ship! 

If you’re unfamiliar with how the challenge works, let’s review the rules:  

  1. Post a photo of your outfit to your Instagram story by 12pm each day.

  2. Tag @alhstyle and any local boutiques you are wearing.

  3. Add the hashtag #getdressed as a final touch

Be sure to get dressed every day during the week of the challenge and follow @alhstyle on Instagram for all updates and guidelines. The challenge goes from Monday, November 14 until Friday, November 18. Each day, a participant will win a gift card to The Hive, The Shoe Hive, Yellow Jacket, Bishop Boutique, Mint Condition, or Monday’s Child.