Happiness List

So many clients have come into the shop lately saying, “Wow! Oddly enough, this has been the best summer ever!” I‘ve asked them why and their answers all come back to happiness within themselves and their families. So, I wanted to delve into this more and recently took an online “happiness” course. One of the exercises was to list everything you are appreciative or grateful for. The purpose is to make a list and look back at it and feel happy for all you have that is positive in your life. I started making my list and once I started, it was almost never-ending. There are so many things in my life I’m grateful for. Here’s just a portion of my list:  

  • My parentsMy childrenGetting my children back to their respective universities and them being with their friends and engaging their minds in studies.My brilliant husbandMy amazing friendsMy sweet, silly dogThe cat rubbing against my legWalking in the early morning sunshineWalking in the eveningsClub soda with a splash of Rose’s lime and a sprig of mintThe smell of clean, fresh laundryThe roses in my gardenA new manicureBritt’s great restaurant reviewsFinding the perfect parking spotPool time with friendsA cold glass of waterThe giggle of a babyA phone call from a faraway friendA handwritten letterThe hum of cicadasSailing on the Chesapeake BayBoating on the PotomacOne of my best friends moving in across the streetSeeing my favorite kind people at the checkout in SafewayBeing healthyThe amazing women I work with at TSALTThe amazing clientele we have at TSALT

Making this list has definitely made me happier and appreciative of everything in my life. I’m finding happiness in the smallest of things. Here’s another - I went an entire two days without a mosquito bite?!?!In going with the appreciation theme, we at TSALT are continuing our summer sale at 70 percent off. Enjoy and find happiness in all of those small things and fabulous clothes! 


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