Alexandria Stylebook

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Kid Fitness: Sign Up Now for Serious (Screen-Free!) Fun

We at FOR are passionate about kid fitness. We have the research to prove not only is keeping your kid moving important for their heart and head, it is another way to keep them away from electronics! And, they have a blast with our coaches, who themselves have their own kids.We teach your kid how to move and how to move well -- for life. We teach functional movement so our athletes will improve their current sport, and also learn how to move in life!Below are our top 10 reasons why joining our student athlete program, which starts July 24, should be a top priority for your family.

  1. Builds strong bones, muscles and joints.
  2. Aides in reducing or preventing obesity by controlling weight, building lean muscle, and reducing fat.
  3. Prevents or delays the development of high blood pressure and can aid in reducing high blood pressure in teens with hypertension.
  4. Reduces the risk of diabetes or pre-diabetes.
  5. Improved memory as a result of better brain function
  6. Children who exercise regularly tend to sleep better. We all know the benefits of good sleep!
  7. Active children have the ability to concentrate better, even at the end of a long school day.
  8. Studies show that exercise decreases anxiety, reduces depression, and improves mood and outlook in children.
  9. Fitness can bolster a kid’s confidence because they know they are moving well and can jump into most athletic or playground activities and not embarrass themselves.
  10. It will reduce their screen time!