Let There Be Light

One of the pillars of any well-designed room is the lighting! It can be the make or break of any space. Almost every room in your house should have a multi-level lighting plan in place. Here are a few tips to consider:

  • Most gathering spaces need overhead lighting to be able to illuminate the entire room. There should also be recessed perimeter and wall washing lights that highlight art around the room. All should be controlled by dimmable switches, which give a level of flexibility to the intensity of the light you may want.

  • Table and floor lamps serve as function and task lighting. In addition, they can add color and texture. Decorative lampshades are very much on-trend and add whimsy and variety with colors and patterns.

  • Chandeliers or ceiling fixtures are usually the “Bell of the ball.” We often refer to them as interior jewelry - so many varying approaches to consider. The nicest part of these pieces is that they may be one of the larger financial investments in an interior design plan, but they also will last far longer than many other pieces because they are not exposed to daily wear and tear. For young families, this is especially helpful!

  • Vintage finds are great, fun one-of-a-kind items that both repurpose an older beauty but may require a little extra TLC or imagination. Still, though, more often than not, they are also good conversation pieces - a little decorative design history. If the lights could talk, I am sure they would have great stories to tell. 

We believe lighting is made to enhance the mood of any room, giving the rooms an overall glow that can be dim and moody or lit up like a Christmas tree. Layered light adds drama. The scale of each fixture depends on the scale of the room, the height of the ceilings, and the vibe and use of the space. That said, be bolder and braver with larger scale items, and don’t be afraid to mix metals or finishes to add sparkle, drama, and interest, especially with ceiling fixtures. Make your eyes go up and take notice… the sky’s the limit!

Alex Deringer

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Alex Deringer and Courtney Cox combine their formal training in design and fashion with their renowned sense of style in Ivy Lane, a full-service interior design firm that curates casually elegant family dwellings that are elevated by a unique spark. Whether an entire house renovation or a one-room makeover, Alex and Courtney’s extensive experience and collaborative dynamic inform a successful design philosophy: thoroughly understand the client’s lifestyle, bring a thoughtful spatial perspective, and enliven the space with the freshest aesthetic interest.

309C Cameron Street

Alexandria, Virginia 22314




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