My New Year’s Retreat
A handful of years ago, my wise and brilliant friend told me about her New Year’s Retreat. She took herself away for two days to focus on and prioritize developing her goals for the year, her family’s calendar, and her own wellness. It was one of those moments where you realize you’ve been doing life wrong. This. whole. time.
You could see the look on my face go from amazement and admiration to determination. I, too, should be doing a New Year’s Retreat!
We started mapping out the next year’s retreat weekend, complete with focus sessions, walks in nature, and planned-out ‘perk’ sessions of cocktail classes. And then, the day before I was to fly to my friend’s remote cabin in the woods, I got the ill-fated phone call (you remember them) – “I have COVID.” A quick pivot re-booked all our planned sessions to local appointments for me with virtual check-ins together.
And, thus, my annual New Year’s Retreat was born – every first weekend in January right here in Old Town. While the session topics and focus areas are generally the same year-to-year, here is what’s in store for me for Retreat 2025:
Session I: Self-Care & Wellness
I love starting off the weekend focused on self-care and wellness. This year, I kick things off at the Meraki Head Spa for a soothing scalp massage and treatment sure to set the tone for the weekend. A flavorful and healthy dinner Friday night with a lavender-infused salt bath by candlelight will quiet the noise of the holidays and begin the weekend rested and restored. A waterfall hike Saturday morning will clear my mind with a connection to nature and its energy.
Session II: Goals & Habits
With my body rested and my mind clear, the next session puts to paper my goals and intentions for the year. Every year, I choose a theme – sometimes practical, sometimes more theoretical. Then, armed with Adrien Cotton’s Wellness Wheel, I elaborate on the habits for each area that I want to develop and how it relates to my theme for the year. And one of the most important parts of this session is making note of the accomplishments and achievements of the prior year’s intentions along with documenting this year’s measurable goals. Documentation leads to accountability.
Session III: Arts & Culture
Perhaps not high on your own list, enriching experiences and cultural events are always part of my goal-setting session. This session is a great way to dive right in! Some years, this is as simple as checking out a museum exhibit that I want to see or a Masterclass online. This year, it’s tickets to & Julietat the Kennedy Center with a friend.
Session IV: Money Management
One of the most important sessions of Retreat is money management. This is when I create my spending tracking spreadsheet (perfected over time since I started tracking over 15 years ago!), adjusting for any new category of expenses or eliminating others, updating projections for bill payments based on actual spending patterns of the past year. (Are there more modern, digital ways to do it? Yep! Whatever way you will stick to is the method to use!)
Then I’m able to set my money goals for the year, broken down by the month when necessary. What savings do I want to go into the pre-tax 401(k) and Roth 401(k)? How and when will I max out my HSA? What is my overall savings target for the year? I adjust any savings transfers necessary in my bank accounts and payroll.
This is also when I update my personal Emergency Workbook – this is the document my loved ones would access should I become unexpectedly incapacitated or deceased. Everyone should have this! It documents where to find my estate documents, my insurance policies, what accounts I have and where, and whom to call for every aspect. I’ll update my Password Manager at the same time, and then I remind my brother how to access everything. If you’re cringing about this idea, trust me, he does, too, with my annual refresher. Yet, from personal experience with my XML Financial Group clients, I know that he will love me for doing it if he ever needs it.
Lastly, I run through my three credit reports to ensure nothing has popped on there that I don’t recognize, and I ensure my credit is frozen and remind myself how to unfreeze if I need it. If you’re not sure whether to freeze your credit – and your kids! – or how to access and review your reports, ask me or a trusted wealth advisor!
Session V: Calendar Management
As a solo household, this doesn’t take that much coordination. But I do love me a paper planner, so this session is dedicated to transitioning to the new planner and also mapping out this year’s travel. Left to my own devices, I’d commit to traveling every weekend…and I’ve learned how exhausted that leaves me. So, mapping out the trips I want to do in a manageable fashion helps me prioritize the vacation and time with friends in a way that fills my cup rather than draining it.
And speaking of filling my cup, Retreat ends Sunday evening with cocktail hour and a toast to all that I accomplished and the year ahead!
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SEE ALSO: My Travel Budget: Top 5 Areas to Invest for a Memorable Trip