A New Mom on Working Out During Pregnancy, and After: "...allow room for grace"

In my last post, I shared that barre3 is for everyone and every body, including moms and their kids. Because our signature approach allows clients to adapt our postures to every need, we are also the perfect place for expecting and brand new moms.At barre3, we embrace that pregnancy and recovery are not linear. We encourage our clients to allow room for grace as they are going through a major transition in their bodies. Our barre3 class is low impact and our moves are adaptable. So while a pregnant client’s body changes, the workout will change with them.While we will always start with broad modifications, our team is trained to address the individual needs of each client before, during, and after class. For pregnant moms, that means that from week one through the day they are ready to come back to working out after being cleared by their doctors, they can get what they need from our workout.I sat down with a longtime barre3 Old Town client, Tara, about her experience with barre3 while pregnant and now as a new mom. Here's what Tara had to say about her experience... 

Meredith: You spent a lot of time in the studio when you were pregnant. How did barre3 support your pregnancy? Tara: I came to barre3 consistently throughout my pregnancy. It was generally easier on the joints than other workouts, plus I always could modify the moves, which left me feeling successful and not defeated. Even when my body was changing, it was so wonderful coming to the studio knowing that I would leave feeling totally refreshed and de-stressed.  Meredith: We couldn’t wait to see you and your little one, Caroline, in the studio! How have classes felt over the last few months after she was born? Tara: I could not wait to get back to the studio to start working out again. Every class I felt stronger than I did before. But returning to the studio was not just about me. Now, I had my new baby! It was so great to walk into the studio because everyone was genuinely excited to see me and meet Caroline. The community I felt from other moms in the studio was comforting and helpful. The studio has been a great place for me to meet other moms and talk about the transition to motherhood.  Meredith: I love that you felt the support of our community! Sounds like an unexpected benefit of being in the studio. Tara: Yes! Practically, I knew that having childcare for my new baby would be wonderful, but it is really the personal connection that makes me feel supported. The instructors are so sensitive to every new mom and I always feel like I can be open and honest about how I am feeling or ask questions about a posture if I need to. Barre3 Old Town has made me feel comfortable, strong, and as though I can do more than I ever thought I could.  

I am offering a new 5-week prenatal workshop series at barre3 Old Town!

Join me at 11am every Sunday from July 28-August 25 to take class, meet other moms,and learn ways to workout safely and effectively while pregnant.

Email oldtown@barre3.com for more information.


all 📸 :: Macey Krause



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