Our Kids Aren't Okay

"I am obsessed with this movie because I don't want to live in this world - a world with a pandemic, with what's happening in Afghanistan, with that kid in the street with the automatic rifle."

"I have social anxiety."

"I am so stressed out. I hate my life. I hate homework. I can't handle the stress."

These are actual statements out of the mouths of children I know. Have you heard something similar? These sentiments are heartbreaking, and they are real.

Our kids are not okay. I just recently realized this. I guess I thought, like many of you, that when our kids went back inside the school buildings with in-person instruction, they would be okay. They are not. And just last month, the experts - the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Children's Hospital Association, to name a few - weighed in by declaring child and adolescent mental health a national emergency.

Since this declaration, several states have taken action. Maryland, Colorado, New Jersey, and California have passed legislation expanding access for children who need mental health services. How do we expand these services to those at risk? And how do we know if our kids need help? Again, I thought everything would be alright until I heard those statements above. 

Photo Credit: Helena Lopes

Now, I am no mental health expert, so I will not claim that I have solutions. This post is more meant for us to be aware, open, and proactive about supporting our children, even if they seem fine. In fact, we speak openly about this crisis inside the walls of Mind the Mat. This fall, we had many clients with teens request specialized kids' yoga classes. After much thought, we added a series led by a trained trauma-informed yoga instructor. So, we thought we would start here and hopefully create a bigger effort beyond our smaller MtM and Alexandria communities.

Although I am not a psychotherapist, I am a physical therapist. There is much data supporting the positive impact of physical activity, breathwork, meditation, and overall human connection on mental health. So, let's give this a try, and if you can figure out how to get your teenagers to this class, will you let us know so we can tell other parents, including me (LOL)? We are, in fact, a tight-knit community. Let's use this woven network to our advantage and support all kids.

Dr. Megan Brown

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Co-founder | Mind the Mat Pilates & Yoga

Megan Brown, physical therapist, Pilates instructor, mother and co-founder of Mind the Mat Pilates & Yoga in Alexandria, VA, likes to goof around. Yet her commitment to her students and her skill set in the field is no joke. After graduating from University of Virginia with a degree in Sports Medicine, Megan went on to receive her Masters in Physical Therapy and eventually her Doctorate in the profession. Although Pilates was never part of the plan, the method changed the way she treated patients, positively re-directed her career path and enhanced her own active lifestyle. Customized Pilates instruction is her specialty--she designs classes based on clients needs: athletes, new moms, rehabilitation or just for fun (why be serious all the time?). Pilates + Yoga is the best of both worlds, hence the creation of Mind the Mat studios providing classes for all—in every walk of life.

Mind the Mat Pilates & Yoga was founded in 2008 by Megan Brown, Doctor of Physical Therapy and Polestar Certified Practitioner of Pilates for Rehabilitation and Sara VanderGoot, Nationally Certified Massage Therapist and Registered Yoga Teacher (e-RYT 200, RYT 500). In their private practices as physical therapist and massage therapist respectively Megan and Sara observed that many of their clients were coming in with similar needs: relief for neck and shoulder tension and low back pain as well as a desire for more flexibility in hips and legs, stability in joints, and core strength.

Together Megan and Sara carefully crafted a curriculum of Pilates and yoga classes to address needs for clients who are pregnant, postpartum, have injuries or limitations, who are new to Pilates and yoga, and for those who are advanced students and are looking for an extra challenge.


2214 Mount Vernon Avenue

Alexandria, VA 22301



Gifts For People Who Thrived In Quarantine


Street Style: Celthia Corsino