Papillon Mask Chains

Masks, masks, and more masks! I have so many now. They are in the cars, in the entry drawers, in the washing machine, in my pockets, and yet I still have trouble finding them. I find that I get halfway to the grocery store and run back to my car for one.

So, I am very excited to hear that many people are making mask chains. 52 Thursdays has some great ones, and so does Papillon, a business started by the aunt of one of my great employees, Kimmie. I’m in love with them, and now I know where my mask is at all times. I asked Kimmie to write this post on her aunt’s line, Papillon.

By Kimmie

We are featuring beautiful mask chains from Papillon (butterfly in French), which are created by my “Chosen Auntie,” Linda Green. She is a wonderful and generous, proud Black woman. This month she honors my chosen mother, LaShea Green, who passed away in March due to COVID-19 complications after surviving cancer.

For her birthday month, TSALT is proud to support a female Black-owned business and offer her beautiful mask chains at the shop.



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