New Beginnings For Our First Love

Patina opened its doors at 605 Franklin Street in November 2013. We transformed the building from a hair salon to our home-garden-gift store. Customers enjoyed being able to shop for home décor in a house setting. We especially received lots of compliments for the white-washed exterior. We enjoyed 9 years of business at this location but reached a point of too much inventory for the space. We started searching for a new home and were thrilled to find 111 S Columbus St. We more than doubled our space and can now provide more furniture which was what our customers had requested.

The house at 111 S Columbus has gone from a private residence to a rental home to a commercial building back and forth for over two hundred years. Built in 1798 by a prominent Quaker, the home has had several owners, has been enlarged to the rear, and embellished with woodwork in excellent taste. Well into its second century, a German housewife increased its size and turned it into a boarding house and restaurant. She and her family owned the house for seventy-three years, the longest period of any owner. Restored at great expense in 1976, this eighteenth-century house seems set for another hundred years.

Although 605 Franklin Street was our first love, we are delighted to introduce Belle Neal, the new owner, and proprietor of The Groomery. Belle is a certified master groomer who has studied both nationally and internationally. She specializes in grooming cats (yes, cats do need grooming!) as well as elderly dogs and animals with special needs. She has a lovely calm demeanor, and her clients appreciate it. The location is convenient for walk-ins which also helps to keep the anxiety level down in your pet. We wish her the best in her new location!

Amanda Mertins

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Patina Polished Living was created 10 years ago by friends Amanda Mertins and Kimberly Weiler. 

Amanda Mertins was born in Ohio and graduated the University of Maryland with a degree in Economics. She started moving and editing furniture and accessories while in grade school and hasn’t stopped since. She enjoys baking desserts and playing with her grandchildren.

Kim Weiler was born in Pennsylvania and graduated the University of the Arts with a degree in graphic design. Upon graduating, she was immediately hired by one of her professors at the Katz Wheeler Design firm. She loves design, gardening, sweet tea and all French bulldogs.

Amanda and Kim are excellent complements to one another-one could even say the Yin and Yang of design. Being very different people but with interconnected forces is the reason their partnership continues to flourish.

Patina Polished Living


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