We’ve Got Big News, Paper People!

As I like to say, Penny Post is a serious paper store for serious paper people who don’t take themselves too seriously. I know, a lot of seriousness. But it’s true. Our vision from the very beginning was to curate the finest stationery and writing tools from around the world. Items that people collect – even crave – because they are quality instruments for living a quality life.  Traveler’s Company Notebooks is just one of those products. Made in Japan they offer a notebook system that will keep you organized, connected, and well-traveled as the name implies.   

You can read more about them here, but let me say that the Traveler’s Company notebooks are particularly special for several reasons. Each leather cover is created by hand to last a lifetime, and the rough cut leather will age beautifully over time. The inside of the notebook is completely customizable depending on what you need. You can choose inserts that include a grid, a calendar, lined pages, or blank pages. It can be whatever you need to live your best life.  

There are very few stores in the U.S. that carry the Traveler’s Company selection of notebooks and inserts reserved for the U.S. market. Lucky for you we are one of them. There are even fewer stores in the U.S. that carry the limited edition products only available at the stores in Japan. Even luckier for you, we are now one of them!!

I’m so excited to announce that this year Penny Post was selected as one of only three paper stores IN THE WORLD to become a Traveler’s Partner Store. We are one of only 8 in the U.S. For a brand with a cult-like following this is big news for us. We are in rarified company, and we could not be prouder of our little paper store.  

What does this mean for all of us? It means we get our very own Traveler’s stamp designed specifically for us and representing the city we love. It means people from all over the world will travel to Alexandria to visit our shop just to get their stamp (like I said, cult-like following). It means you can get Traveler’s products in your hands easier and well before anyone else.

This weekend we will be celebrating becoming a Traveler’s Company Partner Store. The limited edition product will be in the store with a few treats to sweeten the mood and our fingers and toes are crossed that our stamp will be here too. It’s traveling (pun intended!), so it takes time, but we are hopeful. Bring in your seasoned notebooks (to potentially get stamped) or grab one to try for the first time!

If you have read any of Jim Collins’s work – Good to Great, Built to Last, BE 2.0 – you know about Big Hairy Audacious Goals or BHAGs. Well, my BHAG is to create a community of stores that brings people to Alexandria. I love this city and want to do what I can to highlight it. Becoming a Traveler’s Company partner store just got us closer to that goal and we are so thrilled.  Thank you to all our fellow Traveler’s Company fans for making this happen!!

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Amy Rutherford

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Owner Amy Rutherford started Red Barn because she wanted to deliver a service — to provide both old and new in one place. No longer will busy shoppers be limited to reproductions or forced to shop multiple flea markets for the look or gifts they want. The trick in blending old and new, vintage and modern, classic and quirky, is balance. And Amy’s knack for mixing rustic antiques with urban chic has created a look that is both fresh and familiar.

Located in the heart of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, Penny Post is an independent boutique specializing in custom stationery and wedding invitations. Inspired by the art of personal correspondence, the power of handwritten notes, and the smell of freshly printed stationery, we surround ourselves with quirky, hilarious, and classically beautiful things to make life a little brighter.


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