Alexandria Stylebook

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Pippin Toy Co. is for Parents, Too

I have always said parenting is not for the faint of heart. It’s hard. For those of us who decide to take on the challenge a little help goes a long way. We have all heard the African proverb, “It takes a village to raise a child.” Little in life could be truer. Pippin Toy Co. wants to be part of your village. To make the job of parenting easier is one of our goals. To do that we have partnered with OWLS Therapy, a local speech and language therapy practice, to bring you a series of intimate workshops this summer. The series includes topics such as language skills, executive functioning, and play as learning. It also encompasses ages birth to middle school.

Each workshop is held at Pippin Toy Co. and is led by the incomparable Nikki Seaman, M.S., CCC-SLP of OWLS Therapy. She will delight you while you learn, I promise.  When you purchase a $10 entry into a workshop you get a $10 credit back toward any purchases at that time. So, it’s basically free. I hope you’ll join us at Pippin Toy Co., our little village square, this summer!

Here’s the Schedule:

SEE ALSO: Pippin Toy Co: A Toy Store Journey in Old Town, Part Two