Dog Days Of Summer

Summer is admittedly not always my favorite season. Yes, I will spend wonderful days at the beach and the pool with my family and be covered in sunscreen and sand, and truly treasure these memory-making days. But in general, summer is not for me. That said, I love a good theme, and Red Barn Mercantile has fully leaned into the “Dog Days of Summer.” Therefore, I will be directing everyone’s attention to all of the darling dog-themed items we have in both Penny Post and Red Barn Mercantile, and giving you a heads-up on what August (Dogust?) events we have in the works.

At Red Barn Mercantile, one of our shop windows is celebrating the Dog Days of Summer. The items on display in the window are just a sample of what we have to offer, and there’s plenty more once you head in. We have a variety of pillows, greeting cards, puzzles, and games to celebrate an array of breeds. There are chew toys and treats as well as pup shampoo and “stinky dog powder” (because everyone needs a little extra freshening up on 100-degree days). Woof.

Additionally, Red Barn Mercantile is participating in Bark Bingo, organized by ALX Dog Walk. During the event, you’ll pop around to participating shops, scan a QR code to reveal a dog, and if that dog is on your bingo card, go into the shop to have an employee stamp your bingo card. Fill out your bingo card with all the pups you find along the way and send a photo of your winning card to when you get bingo! 

Penny Post is also full of wonderful treats for dog-loving people. They have stickers and stationery representing loads of furry friends as well as paper clips, artwork, and puzzles to work on while you’re avoiding the heat. And if you’re not finding the exact breed you’re looking for, we have very good news for you! 

On August 20, we will be hosting local artist Rachel Lofton, illustrator and owner of Fable & Sage, who will be illustrating and taking orders for custom pet portraits at Penny Post. That’s correct. This is your chance to commission a unique, personalized pet portrait. You’ll be able to order prints, notepads, and stationery online and in the shop for a limited time! Next week’s post will be all about that event so save the date and stay tuned!

Amy Rutherford

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Owner Amy Rutherford started Red Barn because she wanted to deliver a service — to provide both old and new in one place. No longer will busy shoppers be limited to reproductions or forced to shop multiple flea markets for the look or gifts they want. The trick in blending old and new, vintage and modern, classic and quirky, is balance. And Amy’s knack for mixing rustic antiques with urban chic has created a look that is both fresh and familiar.

Located in the heart of Old Town Alexandria, Virginia, Penny Post is an independent boutique specializing in custom stationery and wedding invitations. Inspired by the art of personal correspondence, the power of handwritten notes, and the smell of freshly printed stationery, we surround ourselves with quirky, hilarious, and classically beautiful things to make life a little brighter.


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