Alexandria Stylebook

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Safe Space And Rainbows This June

I’m a big fan of Simon Sinek’s work. If you don’t know him then a good introduction to his work is his 2009 TED Talk, “How Great Leaders Inspire Action.” In it, he talks about finding WHY we do the work we do, not the how or what. Because ultimately, it’s why we do things that bring purpose to our work, inspires others, and make the greater impact. Once you’re done with the TED Talk grab his book Start With Why. You’ll be glad you did.

In pre-COVID times I discovered my Why. It’s to create a place where people feel like they belong. I think we all long to be seen and accepted for who we are. The good parts and the ugly parts. The entirety of our being without shame, judgment, or rejection. In an ideal world, we would accept each other without prejudice. While we are by no means perfect, at Red Barn Mercantile and Penny Post we are trying to do better every day. To be welcoming of everyone because it’s so important. Especially today where social media breeds as much love as it does hate exponentially.

This month, we are dedicating all our Good. Works. Wednesday contributions to Safe Space NOVA. Safe Space NOVA is dedicated to providing a safe, accepting, and supportive environment to combat social stigmas, bullying, and other challenges faced by LGBTQ+ youth. They are creating places where kids feel seen and heard without shame, judgment, or rejection. That’s my kind of cause and we are so proud to be supporting their important work.

Most notably, they are responsible for the Northern Virginia Pride Prom, co-hosted by the City of Alexandria Office of the Arts and held at the Torpedo Factory this month. Their programming includes providing social activity groups that give teens safe, supportive, and supervised events where they come together, build friendships, and participate in social activities with other LGBTQ+ youth ages 14 to 18. They also offer virtual meet-ups, which are adult-facilitated groups to discuss school, coming out, making friends, dating, politics, family, and anything important to them. Last but certainly not least, they offer sexuality education and healthy relationships programming that is inclusive of their experiences, identities, and relationships while making sure they have accurate information to stay safe and healthy.

In addition to supporting Safe Space NOVA, we are raffling off a $250 basket of Penny Post essentials in support of The Rainbow History Project, which is collecting, preserving, and promoting LGBTQ history in the Washington DC metro area. Through all-volunteer efforts, they have collected more than 1,400 items that are available for viewing online or at the DC History Center. Knowing and acknowledging history is the ultimate validation of existence. The ultimate affirmation. You matter. You’ve been seen and we care. Raffle tickets are $5 and all the proceeds go to this wonderful organization.