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Test Your Oscars Trivia Skills with Red Barn Mercantile!

For about a year my husband, our daughter, and I played trivia at Mason Social every Sunday night. When Will was home he’d join us. We were pretty good at it. My best category was pop culture and entertainment. It’s really the only thing I contributed. Though we only won once, we came close several times and usually ended up in the top four. Usually fourth, but still a good showing. Also, not bad with three people, one of whom was 17, going up against teams of many more and much older. Kate was pretty pleased with herself, and we were pretty proud parents, that’s for sure!

For my birthday last year, we played trivia and came in fourth. Again. I was telling my friend, Lisa, who owns Rock, Paper, Scissors in Ann Arbor, Michigan, about trivia and the next thing I knew she was promoting the most brilliant idea ever – virtual Gilmore Girls Trivia!  It was freaking genius as most of her promotions are.  Immediately, I asked if I could copy her and being the good friend that she is, she said sure. Now, by copy I don’t mean literally. I’m ashamed to admit my Gilmore Girls knowledge is woefully limited. Instead, we are going to do virtual Oscars Trivia. Wait, let me be clear, not just Oscars. We’ll include movies and celebs in there, too, so I can have a fighting chance.

I LOVE the Oscars. Just like Moira Rose, “Awards Season” is my favorite season. The fashion, the hype, the celebrities, and the pageantry of it all just sucks me in. Every time. I used to have an Oscars party every year but had to put that to rest because I just didn’t have it in me anymore. For years I have been wanting to do something for the store that would be fun and frivolous around the Oscars. Well Lisa gave me just the thing!

Here's how it works. Purchase your trivia kit filled with all the snacks you need for a night of trivia. (Get them quickly as they are limited!) We can ship it to you or you can pick it up, your choice. If you’re picking it up, consider adding a bottle of bubbly so you can make your cocktail. Wink. Wink. Then on March 7, pop your popcorn, create your cocktail (recipe and Mother shrub included!), grab your milk duds and junior mints – or in this case a mint chocolate chip bar and a sea salt caramel chocolate bar because we’re fancy like that – and login to our virtual trivia night to join the fun. It's one box per screen but you can have more than one person playing along at your house. Teams will be chosen at random so not only will you get to flex your movie knowledge, but you might just make new movie-loving friends!

I will be there with bells on ready to test my useless movie, celebrity, and Oscars knowledge. Hoping this time not to come in fourth. To join me, order your trivia kit here and be sure to brush up on all the movie things!

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