Street Style: Meet Ali Hellmuth

“I like her.” You hear other women say this with alarming frequency upon meeting Ali Hellmuth. It’s difficult to determine if it’s her candid, direct nature (you’ll later learn she grew up outside of Philadelphia) or maybe it’s the way she’s wearing her hat and coat that perfectly reflect the day’s weather, and causes you to silently wonder if you could wear a hat like that so effortlessly.“You can, of course!” would be her reply if you asked. Unless you couldn’t, and then she’d draw her mouth to the side and say, “I know something even better for you.” And it would be. It’s easy to feel instantly better, and as if you’ve been friends all along, while spending time with Ali. Ali is always at TSALT shopping for her ALH Style clients, so we quickly got to know her on a personal level. We watched her build her business from scratch and took notice of her on social media, so when we started looking for a marketing consultant, we felt Ali would be a great addition to our team. It's been almost two months and we are loving her energy and creative ideas! Making sure women feel confident and uniquely themselves in clothing that can easily be transitioned from day to night is Ali’s passion. Says Ali, "Wearing a comfortable pair of crepe slacks and a cozy cashmere sweater to the office creates an alluring base layer. By simply adding a long leather coat and killer clutch handbag, you're ready for drinks that evening. Nothing fussy or uncomfortable to contend with, just clean lines with enough personality and polish to make you feel like you. Only better."


How do you spend your time? Currently juggling being a new mom, running ALH Style, and helping TSALT with marketing.

Neighborhood: Plymouth Haven

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 8 years

What is your hometown? Langhorne, Pennsylvania

What brought you to Alexandria? My husband is from here

What would surprise people about you? I have a habit of talking in silly voices…all of the time

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? Reading minds

Favorite cocktail: Dirty martini

Last book read or movie seen: Love Warrior

Guilty Pleasure: Shopping

Phrase you overuse: “Long story short…”

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: Hallmark Christmas movies

Bucket list travel destination: Whistler

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Coffee 


Define your style in three words or less: Edgy and intentional

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Black t-shirt

Favorite trend ever: Shoulder pads

Favorite current trend: Straight cropped jeans

Beauty product you can’t live without: Mascara!

Favorite fragrance: Marc Jacobs Eau de Parfum

Heels or flats? This is too hard. 


Favorite room in your home: Master bedroom

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix

Last item bought for your home: Antique dining room chairs

Next planned purchase: Dining room wallpaper

Favorite way to entertain: I’ve always felt that regardless of how you entertain, it’s the company that makes the party!

Clutter-free or well lived-in? Clutter-free

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern or no, so dated: YES 


Your go-to work-out: Currently, it’s holding a baby while getting work done!

Most fun way to exercise: Skiing and tennis

Group exercise or solo: Group. Other people motivate me!

Fitness goal: Strengthen my core so my back gets stronger

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: CrossFit

Proudest fitness achievement: As an adult I don’t know that I have one! I played sports for as long as I can remember, so I feel like that was my biggest achievement.


Favorite spot in Alexandria: The cobblestones on Prince Street. We had our engagement and wedding photos taken there!

Last purchase in Alexandria: Smythe blazer from TSALT

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: Landini Brothers

Favorite charity/non-profit: The Campagna Center

Favorite annual Alexandria event: St. Patrick’s Day Parade! 

abigail spach

Small Business Coaching and Custom E-Commerce Development

Gift Guide No. 04: Splurge


The 12 Days of a Workout!