Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Antra Montmarquet

You know when you meet someone, and you feel that instant connection and "this is right" feeling? When I first met Antra nearly a year ago while hiring for a creative assistant, I felt that bond immediately...

Antra's entrée into our shop was total kismet. She had walked by our building a few years ago and saved the name as a curious follow-up to see what we do... and then forgot all about the note until she cleaned out her notes app in 2021 and found this random reminder to check out "Alx&Co.". When she did, she saw that we were hiring for a Creative Assistant - which happened to be exactly the type of job she had been searching for. The timing of everything feels completely fated, and the fact that she and I just clicked from day one makes it all the more amazing. 

Antra is truly an MVP at our shop. She keeps me on track with our marketing initiatives, she is an amazing brainstormer, she is organized, and she is a hard worker who appreciates a job well done. She has amazing personal style and an open, curious approach to learning new skills - which, honestly, is a rare trait in adults! 

Antra has helped us finesse our branding and keeps me on track for all the articles, photos, art direction, branding, events, and multitudes of other elements. She does this all while staying true to our philosophy and gently expanding our creative ideas so that I don't recycle the same ideas over and over again. She is truly a breath of fresh air, and if you are looking for someone to assist with tightening up your branding profile, I highly encourage you to contact her. 

In the meantime, please enjoy learning more about Antra here. It is truly my pleasure to work with her every day, and I thank our lucky stars for the stroke of good fortune that brought her into our lives!

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography

Antra is styled by The Hive and The Shoe Hive.


Neighborhood: Kingstowne

How long have you lived in Alexandria: 9 years

What is your hometown? Riga, Latvia

What brought you to Alexandria? My husband’s career

What would surprise people about you? I have been working on my own clothing label - MAED collection. A micro collection of three linen dress designs is launching in June!

You’re a superhero: what’s your superpower? Ability to be in multiple places at the same time.

Favorite cocktail: Paloma

Last book read or movie seen: Film: “The Lost Daughter

Guilty Pleasure: Cake for breakfast.

Phrase you overuse: I tend to insert lots of little Latvian words when having casual conversations, such as ‘labi’ (good, okay) or ‘paga’ (hold on, give me second).

Facebook or Instagram? Instagram

Latest binge-watch: Bridgerton

Bucket list travel destination: Cambodia

If you only could have one for the rest of your life: wine or coffee? Hmm, some years ago I would have said wine, but it’s definitely coffee.


Define your style in three words or less: Minimalistic, with a good balance between feminine and masculine.

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: Madewell basic white t-shirt. Goes with everything.

Favorite trend ever: Slip dress.

Favorite current trend: High waisted wide leg pants.

Beauty product you can’t live without: Rosewater for my face or a Shea Butter Hand Cream from L’Occitane.

Favorite fragrance: Jo Malone Wood Sage & Sea Salt

Heels or flats? Flats.


Favorite room in your home: My basement, I have converted it into a creative studio where I paint, sew, and sketch. It’s a perfect escape.

Antiques, modern, or a mix? 90% modern with 10% of antique accent pieces.

Last item bought for your home: The Vetiver Basket from Manse. It not only looks elegant, but it also has a lovely scent.

Next planned purchase: More plants for my veggie and herb garden.

Favorite way to entertain: Themed dinner parties.

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Always clutter-free, less is more!

Wallpaper -- yes, totally modern, or no, so dated: This is a hard one. I grew up with wallpaper in every room, even the kitchen and the bathrooms, so I’m kind of done with it. But I’ve seen some very chic interiors with wallpaper accent walls, and I love it. Short answer - it depends where and how.


Your go-to work-out: A long hike in the woods or mountains.

Most fun way to exercise: Jumping the ocean waves, you’ll feel your abs next day for sure!

Group exercise or solo: Solo

Fitness goal: To master a headstand.

Haven’t yet, but might be willing to try with coaching / encouragement: Aerial silks

Proudest fitness achievement: A 5k in 32 minutes. I’m not a runner so this was huge!


Favorite spot in Alexandria: Carlyle House Garden, I go there a lot when I need a quiet break. It’s especially beautiful this time of the year.

Last purchase in Alexandria: Going to Boxwood today, so we shall see. I’m on the hunt for Champagne Coupe Glasses.

Best coffee / happy hour / date night spot: I just discovered the Turkish Coffee Lady coffee shop. I love how authentic it is and their Turkish delights are amazingly delicious. BARCA Pier & Wine Bar is a beautiful place for a date night.

Favorite local organization: Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food & Agriculture 

Favorite annual Alexandria event: My children love the Scottish Walk and the Holiday Boat Parade of Lights.