Alexandria Stylebook

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Street Style: Danielle of fibre space

Danielle of fibre space is revolutionizing what you would consider the "stereotypical knitter." Today's knitter is no longer your grandma knitting holiday sweaters - there's a new generation of young crafters and knitters changing the game. In this week's street style we're getting to know Danielle, who opened fibre space in Old Town back in 2009. When Danielle isn't perfecting her manicure technique, you can find her getting a dance session in with her daughter, hanging out with her adorable Italian greyhounds, or binging The Boys on Amazon Prime!Keep reading to learn more about Danielle, the new generation of crafters, and fibre space! 

📸 :Sarah Marcella Creative


 How long have you lived in Alexandria? I’ve lived in Alexandria for about 15 years.Favorite item of clothing in your closet? What I call my “adult onesie.” I’ve got a few loungewear rompers that are my absolute favorite things right now while working from home.Biggest inspiration? My customers and their creativity are my constant inspiration. I love seeing what colors they put together and what projects they pick to knit or crochet!Dogs or cats? I have two Italian Greyhounds - Remi and Riley. Riley is my sweet, cautious baby. Remi is the bully and will just insist that you love on him. 



 What inspired you to start your business? My shop is really an extension of my original business – Knit-a-Gogo, Inc., which I opened in October of 2006 to offer knitting classes in the Washington, D.C. metro area (and make some extra cash to supplement my non-profit income). Initially, I taught beginner and intermediate classes at coffee shops, bakeries, and even public libraries in and around Washington, D.C. As my customers grew in number, so did the community of knitters and crocheters, as well as the number of classes being offered, and my staff of instructors. Eventually, the Knit-a-Gogo community really needed a permanent home – a place where stitchers could meet outside of classes, buy quality supplies, and share with other stitchers. In 2009, this dream became a reality when Knit-a-Gogo became fibre space™ and opened its doors here in Old Town.What are three of your favorite items currently at your shop? The Stowaway - it’s a nifty magnetic bracelet that holds stitcher tools while you knit but can also be used to hold pins, screws, and many other tiny things that you need close by while you work. Another one of my favorites is the macaroon pom-pom maker - I love these pom-pom makers! There are so many on the market, but these are really well designed. My daughter also finds them easy to use and enjoys making little pom-poms to decorate her room, make jewelry, and hair ties. I also love the  Neighborhood Fiber Co Studio Worsted Organic - The original yarn (non-organic) was always my favorite yarn to work with, but the new organic version is even softer and sucks up the dye even better, for a rich saturated yarn in the vibrant colors this company is known for. The yarn is dyed by Karida Collins in Baltimore, Maryland. Local, woman, and Black owned - it’s my favorite yarn in the shop right now.Favorite Designer? I seem to purchase a lot of Attilio Giusti Leombruni (AGL) from The Shoe Hive. Whether it’s sneakers or booties, I love the style of this designer. For clothing, I am loving Xirena right now. (The green dress is Xirena!)Favorite “buy” of all time? That’s an easy one - the Anine Bing leather moto jacket. It works with black dress pants and heels or denim and sneakers. I love this jacket! It’s only going to get better as it gets older, and I have no doubt that my daughter will be borrowing it when she’s 16.     

 Danielle with her Italian Greyhounds, Remi and Riley


 How can the community support you and your employees during this time?  Be kind. I think the biggest way to support any small business right now is kindness and empathy. We are all doing the best that we can with the circumstances, and we each have our own unique challenges during the pandemic. Be open-minded. Expect the unexpected. Be pleased and surprised with our ingenuity. Our small business community in Old Town is pretty darn inventive!A favorite new hobby? Manicures and pedicures! I have amassed quite a collection of nail polish from Bellacara during the pandemic. I’m pretty good at doing my own nails at this point.Top must-read book? The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks is one of my favorites. It is a remarkable nonfiction novel about an African American woman with cervical cancer whose incredible cells catapulted biomedical research but were used without her or her family’s consent or knowledge. The book really gives incredible insight into some of the darker parts of American history and ethics in medical research.Binge-worthy suggestion(s)? I just finished watching The Boys on Amazon Prime. I’m not usually one to watch action and superhero shows or movies, but wow, this is good. The soundtrack is amazing too. Can’t wait for season two to come out in September!What local business have you supported this week? I just picked up two gifts for a friend’s 30th birthday at She’s Unique. There’s always something new and beautiful in that shop. It’s one of my favorites in town.Favorite carry-out restaurant? I’m getting a lot of delivery from Chadwicks these days. The fried chicken platter is so good. They even deliver locally with their own staff! No need to pay Uber Eats fees.Go-to at-home workout? Ha! I can’t remember the last time I worked out. I suppose the dance parties I have with my 7-year-old count as a workout?   

To learn more about Danielle and fibre space check out her website at fibrespace.comand follow fibre space on Instagram at @fibrespace.