Street Style: Greg Marks

I first met Greg Marks back in 2018 when he reached out for some marketing support for Marks-Woods. I very distinctly remember leaving our first meeting thinking, “wow, that guy was so easy to talk to and super nice–not to mention that Southern accent!” Fast forward four-and-a-half years and nothing has changed. Greg is still that super nice, easy-to-talk-to guy that genuinely cares about his employees and clients.

A few years ago, when my beloved 14-year-old dog suddenly passed away, there was a much-needed bottle of wine and dinner from my favorite restaurant sitting on my doorstep when I returned from the emergency vet. That's the kind of thing that Greg does for the people in his life, whether they are family, friends, or colleagues. You can ask anyone that works at Marks-Woods, and they will have a similar thoughtful story to tell.

He extends this kindness and care to our clients too. Whenever I talk to clients, they always comment on how much they enjoy chatting with Greg when they meet him. They say that it is one of the main reasons they hire us, because they felt immediately comfortable with having our team in their home day after day. Some say this is a part of his southern charm, but I know that is just the way he is.

There’s a good chance you have seen Greg around Alexandria in a Marks-Woods branded Rhoback polo driving his new white truck (He loves that truck!). If you spot that truck, or him, from a distance, don’t hesitate to stop him and say “hi,” or maybe pick his brain about some work you want done in your home. Greg’s the kind of guy that will stop what he is doing and chat with you. He’ll ask about your family just as much as he asks about your home. Trust me, by the end of the conversation, you’ll have the same reaction I did when I first met him!

In the interim, keep reading to get to know a little bit more about Greg Marks. He’s way more than just one of the owners of Marks-Woods Construction.

Photography credit: Renée C. Gage Photography.

Greg is styled by Yellow Jacket.


Neighborhood: Great Falls, Virginia

What is your hometown? Raleigh, North Carolina

What would surprise people about you? I competed on a professional barbeque team.

Favorite book or movie: Goodfellows 

Guilty Pleasure: Reeses 

Latest binge-watch: Iron Chef

Bucket list travel destination: New Zealand


Define your style in three words or less: Casual, but sophisticated

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: My Paige jeans

Favorite trend: Throw-back sneakers

Beauty product you can’t live without: Shampoo

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? Boots


Go-to way to de-stress: Golfing

Most fun way to stay active: Mountain biking

Wellness goal: Better work/life balance

Want to try: Pickleball

Proudest wellness achievement: Eating more nutritiously


Favorite room in your home: Kitchen

Antiques, modern, or a mix? Mix

Last item bought for your home: 200’ zipline for my girls

Favorite way to entertain: Smoking barbeque with my friends and family (slight contradiction to my wellness achievement!)

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Clutter-free

Next planned purchase: Custom cabinetry for my home office


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? Learning from all of the best business owners in Alexandria!

Favorite spot in Alexandria: The Old Town waterfront 

Last purchase in Alexandria: Ball and Buck pants from Yellow Jacket

Best food spot: Chadwicks

Favorite local organization: ACT for Alexandria

Favorite annual Alexandria event: Scottish Christmas Walk Weekend

Kara Hill

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Kara Hill is the Director of Marketing at Marks-Woods Construction Services, an award-winning residential renovation and major addition general contractor and design-build firm serving Alexandria and the surrounding Washington, D.C. area. Kara joined the Marks-Woods team in 2018 as an independent consultant, and quickly advanced into her current position leading all marketing strategies and campaigns for Marks-Woods. Kara resides in Old Town Alexandria with her husband, infant son and two dogs.


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