Street Style: Melanie Welles Creamer

Melanie Welles is the gardener we all would like to be in our minds. You know the gardener in our mind that we all are as we are buying the plants and pinning the garden ideas. But she actually germinated those plants; she conditioned the soil; she made those perfectly balanced arrangements- of course, don't beat yourself up too much; it is her job at George Washington's Mount Vernon.

You can tell it is also her passion. And that passion is so attractive, even when she is in a work uniform of khakis and a polo. Her hair and makeup, even in the greenhouse, always look great, probably due to the fact that she doesn't even really need makeup; her natural skin is beautiful. Her smile radiates. Outside of work, she has a unique style that reflects her self-assured nature and confidence. Just like the floral designs she creates for events, she knows how to coordinate just the right hues of color, how to layer texture, where to have a bit of pop, and where to be more demure.

She is so much fun to get to know, and if you haven't taken one of her classes, you should; they are a blast! She cultivates an atmosphere of fun but is so knowledgeable, down-to-earth, and charming!

Photography by Renée C. Gage Photography.

Melanie’s hair and makeup done by Stephnia Johnson at Salon deZEN.


Neighborhood: Clifton, Virginia

What is your hometown? Lebanon, Wisconsin

What would surprise people about you? I love wearing hats, I won first place for the most glamorous/elegant hat at the 2022 International Gold Cup Horse Race

Favorite book or movie: Book - Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Movie - Something’s Gotta Give

Guilty Pleasure: Spiked hot chocolate and chocolate filled croissants, really most things made with dark chocolate 

Latest binge-watch: Bridgerton Season Two

Bucket list travel destination: Portugal


Define your style in three words or less: Sophisticated, elegant, and fun!

The go-to piece in your wardrobe: A tailored blazer

Favorite trend: Vintage glam

Beauty product you can’t live without: M-61 Hydraboost Moisturizing Cream from Blue Mercury

Boots, sneakers, or sandals? A fabulous pair of boots


Go-to way to de-stress: Yoga or weeding my garden

Most fun way to stay active: Dancing with my daughters

Wellness goal: Carving out some “me” time

Want to try: Archery or fencing

Proudest wellness achievement: Running a 5K nine months after the birth of my first daughter


Favorite room in your home: The outside, we have a beautiful yard surrounded by woods

Antiques, modern, or a mix? A mix

Last item bought for your home: Chandelier for our living room

Favorite way to entertain: Having friends over to hang out in our pool and my husband and I love to cook a delicious meal for everyone to enjoy afterwards

Clutter-free or well-lived in? Mostly clutter-free

Next planned purchase: Re-doing our deck and adding on a screened-in porch


What do you love about Alexandria Stylebook? Learning interesting things about the people who make up the Alexandria community

Favorite spot in Alexandria: The Torpedo Factory

Your go-to shop: White House Black Market

Best food spot: 1799 Prime Steak & Seafood, IG: 1799prime_alexandria

Favorite local organization: George Washington’s Mount Vernon, IG: mount_vernon

Annual Alexandria event you most look forward to: The Alexandria Scottish Walk Parade – my husband and I met at the Scottish Walk on December 3, 2011!

Katelin Moomau, Esq.

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Katelin Moomau is a founding Partner at Family First Law Group, PLLC. She graduated from McDaniel College Magna Cum Laude in 2004, and Catholic University Columbus School of Law in 2008. Katelin primarily practices family law, representing a wide range of clients with various family law issues, and is a family law mediator. She chairs the Lawyer Referral Service Committee of the Alexandria Bar Association. She is also a member of the Fairfax Bar Association and Virginia Women Attorney’s Association, Diversity Conference and Equality Virginia. In 2020, she was named one of Alexandria’s 40 Under 40 by the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce. She was also voted a Super Lawyer Rising Star by her peers and is a Northern Virginia Top Attorney for 2021.

Katelin has been involved with the Campagna Center since 2009, serving as EDC Chair, Secretary, Chair Bowties and Belles, Vice, Chair and Chair Ex-Officio. She has mentored fellows for the Mount Vernon Leadership Program, and she conciliates cases to help parties find resolution in the Fairfax Juvenile Court for the Fairfax Law Foundation. She also volunteers at Mount Vernon.



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