Meet Katherine Kramer: Founder and Headmaster of ACCA
“There just aren’t enough options,” said Katherine. “Christian schools and nondenominational schools are having a hard time. We are a classical program, low tech and we spend a lot of time outdoors. We have a gorgeous outdoor space to use…and we’re often outside building forts."
Moneta, The Roman Goddess of Money
After doing some research, we discovered Juno Moneta, the Roman goddess of money and protectress of funds. She is often depicted on ancient coins, and is shown holding a pair of scales with which to measure out the pile of money that lies at her feet. She is also believed to have been the guard of the Roman temple Capitoline.
15 Years of fibre space: Danielle Romanetti Shares Her Top Moments
“It’s not the business I thought I was opening…it’s about three times the size of the business I started. And I never thought I’d own a building,” said Danielle Romanetti. When I ask her about the next 15 years, Danielle’s eyes pop open, ”I hadn’t thought about that…another 15 years?”
Meet Photographer Renée C. Gage: The Navy Journey Brought Her Here
Renée signs everything “Shine Bright” and when you meet her, you’ll immediately grasp that because her energy puts you at ease. “I journal a lot…to find the light in myself, for my family, as a photographer I’m always looking for a light, and finding light, being the light.”
Motherhood, Mayhem, and Murder: Christine Gunderson’s Friends With Secrets
The waiting, the rejection, the reward, it all taught her resilience. “We come to what we’re supposed to come to when we come to it. And you’re the best mother you can be with your child at the time when you’re a mother. We all have different circumstances.”
The Hidden Power of Collaboration
I am a longtime restaurateur, but I recently opened a retail shop and learned a few things—retail can be tough. This being said, do not be afraid to be the queen of the castle, but be smart and listen to those who have walked the walk.
The Woman Behind Ms. Moxie’s Moon Shop is Raising Awareness for Period Poverty
I had walked by Ms. Moxie’s Moonshop more than a few times and was always curious about what was inside. The name kind of intrigued me, too. Did they sell crystals? Was it a hippie shop and did they howl at the moon?
King Street Commons: A More Intimate Office Sharing Space in Old Town
A common thread I hear and even feel myself: there is no divide between home and work – when you work from home.