Alexandria Stylebook

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The Season To Switch

Natural deodorants have been on the market for a while now and headline time and time again in the world of clean beauty. To give you the sum of it, what categorically separates natural deodorants from antiperspirants is the lack of aluminum in natural deodorants. Aluminum is the ingredient in antiperspirant that combats the expulsion of sweat; this means that natural deodorants won’t actually keep you from sweating; they’ll just keep the smell associated with sweating under control.

The idea that antiperspirants are “bad for you” is totally controversial and debatable. I did a deep dive on the internet and looked at multiple sources that argue both sides. At the end of my research, I came to the conclusion that the use of antiperspirants isn’t directly related to anything that will necessarily harm you. However, if there’s a more natural way to do something, it’s worth exploring, right? As the season change and we begin to escape the dreadful heat and humidity (hallelujah), perhaps this is the best time of year to give it a try!


Corpus’s natural-plant-based formulations are held to the highest standards, using ingredients that are strictly plant or mineral-based. They put a heavy focus on finding ingredients that are from a natural source and do as minimal processing as possible. The result is a craftily-made deodorant that you can feel good about using.  

Agent Nateur

If you’re unfamiliar with Agent Nateur, I’d say check them out because they’re a really neat lifestyle brand! Aside from their high-performing clean beauty products, their website offers cool little extras like podcasts and recipes. Wellness and sustainability are the main focus of this female-owned brand, so it’s no surprise that their products are crafted with the highest quality ingredients from around the globe.