The Last Shower Cap You’ll Ever Need

As someone with long hair, the maintenance on my mane is extensive. Between deep conditioning treatments and finding the right products to ensure my hair is not frizzy, it is a delicate dance. I love to apply a heavy hair mask and then sleep with it and wash it out in the morning. This has proved to be a very messy endeavor. I have the Slip Pure Silk Pillowcase and I hate to get anything on it, which makes wearing a mask in my hair overnight impossible. When we first received the Shhhowercap, I thought it was another run of the mill shower cap that I grew up seeing my mom wear. Well ladies, it’s not. It is a beautiful, chic, machine washable, antibacterial, and waterproof innovation. This is the perfect accompaniment to my favorite overnight repair masque from Bumble and Bumble. It fits snugly and does not move while I am sleeping.  Another great feature I have discovered is it actually protects my color between salon visits. Have you ever wondered why the grey hair on your temple reappears so quickly? When we wash our face and apply our skincare, it gets on those baby hairs that frame our face and drains the color. I apply this shower cap before washing my face to ensure my color stays as long as possible.  Have I mentioned how stylish these caps are? They can be worn while swimming and at the beach to protect your hair from harmful UV rays.This overnight mask with camellia oil will have your tresses silky and swingy by the morning. Apply this and then apply your Shhhowercap for pillow protection and to ensure the product is not rubbing off. 


Valentine’s Day Gifts. Check.


The Capelet Evolution