The Value Of A Wardrobe Stylist

Hello! My name is Ali Hellmuth and I am a wardrobe stylist here in Alexandria, Virginia. My business has been around for a little over 5 years. Initially, it was all about closet cleanouts, getting organized, and then identifying shopping needs, but I felt like I was 1) missing the mark and 2) not focused on my biggest strength, styling. I took a step back (aka had another baby) and thought about what my clients really needed: a wardrobe stylist. 

Wardrobe styling is resourceful. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into a closet where the client claims she has “nothing to wear” and left having created 15 to 20 outfits and a list of things she needs that season to connect the dots. Taking inventory of a wardrobe and pointing out what’s missing is part one of my job. Keep in mind that there is no finite list of things that everyone needs. Each wardrobe represents a completely different individual with different interests and style, so there’s that. Then, there’s the client’s body type, which is a very loaded and personal topic for every woman, so there’s that too. Gulp. 

After we sit down and identify what the client needs, we create a list of priorities and then go shopping (part two). We’ll hit The Hive, which as you all know is right here in Old Town. Clients love showing up to a fitting room filled with jeans, tops, dresses, coats and shoes in their size and style. It’s a big time saver! In many cases the client will ask me to come back and build a bunch of outfits with all of their new items! Check out the example below. Imagine having access to all of this on your phone! There’s no thinking involved.

All items are from The Hive! Click here to access all of these amazing pieces! Once you’re in, click on the items you like and you’ll be directed to shop at

My process has been tailored and re-tailored to provide real style solutions for real women! While some consider wardrobe styling a luxury service, I think it’s something every woman deserves, especially if she is unsure of where she is in her personal style journey. After all, having personal style is something that is within all of us. Sometimes you just need someone to help you find it :)  

Yours in style, Ali

Ali Hellmuth

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It’s easy to dream about a wardrobe that’s cool, polished, and functional. What’s difficult is actually having one. It’s doesn’t have to be this way! Ali Hellmuth is a local Wardrobe Stylist who helps women achieve the wardrobe of their dreams. 

After determining your body type and style, Ali will create outfits from your current wardrobe, take note on what’s missing and later help you shop to fill the gaps. Her professionally trained eye and love for personal style will provide you with the fresh perspective your wardrobe needs! 


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