Three Little NEAT Tricks That Will Make A Big Difference This Month

December might be a challenging time to tackle big organizing projects, so here are the areas I recommend putting your focus on this month:

Holiday Décor: We are still weeks away from taking our decorations down, but now is the time to stock up on containers to pack everything away! Don't wait until January because everything will be gone! We recommend using clear, or alternatively, clearly labeled containers for your décor. Get rid of the original boxes because they don't hold up as well and won't stack as neatly as bins with lids.

Toys: If you have little ones in the house, now is the perfect time to go through their toys and edit out anything that is broken, missing pieces, or they just don't play with. They will likely get a lot of new stuff this holiday season, so make room for the new by getting rid of the old!

Pantry: Get your pantry holiday ready by stocking up on items that you will want to have on hand for hosting and entertaining. Keep everything categorized so you will know what you have and won't double purchase groceries!

Happy Holidays from The NEAT Method!

Lauren Sadlon

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As the natural-born organizer of kids’ spaces, Lauren is already passing this trait onto her sweet daughter. Born in Pennsylvania, graduated from James Madison University, and has called NOVA home for almost 20 years. A broadcast journalism major who has worked in television, restaurants, and marketing. Met and married her husband on New Year’s Eve and loves celebrating with lots of sparkle. A weakness for shoes, coffee, wine, and travel, she is usually working on planning her next trip or making a list (of her lists)! You can often find this multi-tasking gal out for a run, volunteering in the community, or enjoying wine with friends.

703.963.3603 | @northernvirginianeat


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