On the Other Side of Change: Alexandria Choral Society

There is always something happening around town, and this week it’s a special performance from the Alexandria Choral Society, closing out their 53rd season with a world-premier! A few weeks ago at our Spring2ACTion kick-off party, I met Josn Heit, a member of the Alexandria Choral Society (ACS) who shared with me his passion for the organization. During last week’s Spring2ACTion, ACS raised $6,655 to fundraise for their rental spaces, music, instrumentalists, and membership dues. Now, coming this weekend is another opportunity to support ACS at their spring performance.

This weekend on May 6 at 7pm at Westminster Presbyterian Church, the Alexandria Choral Society will perform On the Other Side of Change, a groundbreaking choral concert featuring the world-premiere of You Birth the Seeds by Melissa Dunphy, with text by Zeina Azzam, the City of Alexandria’s Poet Laureate. Led by Artistic Director Brian Fontaine-Isaac, the performance also includes additional works by women composers, including Ilus Hääl by Laura Jekabsone, Gloria in Excelsis Deo by Eleanor Daley, Schöne Fremde by Fanny Hensel, Laus Trinitati by Faith Zimmer, We Shall Walk Through the Valley by Undine Smith Moore, and To Sit and Dream by Rosephanye Powell.

What's great about the Alexandria Choral Society is their "Pay What You Can" ticketing model, which ensures financial capacity is never a barrier to experiencing quality choral programming. With a suggested ticket price of $30, all are welcome to attend and enjoy the show.

If you're unable to make it on May 6th, don't worry. The choral society is also hosting a community matinee performance on Sunday, May 7 at 4pm at Patrick Henry Recreation Center in Alexandria, in collaboration with the city of Alexandria’s PARKnership program.

If you're looking for a great way to spend your weekend, come out to the Alexandria Choral Society's performance of On the Other Side of Change. With a talented group of local performers, it's sure to be an unforgettable experience. I hope you're able to join in on this special event and support the Alexandria Choral Society. 

Britt Patterson

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Born, raised, and bred in Alexandria, VA, Britt Patterson is a true product of the great state of Virginia. Britt attended Waynewood Elementary (Class of ’96), Carl Sandburg Middle School (Class of ’98) , and West Potomac High School (Class of ’02), she then went on to attend Virginia Tech (go Hokies!) where she majored in Business Marketing and Minored in Real Estate. Britt “officially” joined the family business as a licensed Realtor in 2008 after two years of working the political fundraising field and prides herself on her Alexandria real estate knowledge, alongside her integrity, loyalty, and professionalism as an agent and Vice President for the family business.


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