Alexandria Stylebook

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Storytelling With Dad

With Father's Day coming up this weekend, I wanted to tell you about the most amazing gift I gave my dad last Christmas - a Storyworth subscription. Let me tell you, it's been an incredible gift, not just for my dad but for our whole family. Through the weekly stories, I've gotten to know my dad on a whole new level, diving into the incredible moments and cherished memories that have shaped his life and influenced him to become the father I love so much.

Growing up, my dad was always there for me and my brothers. He was always someone ready for an adventure and always worked overtime to bring us the best out of life. With all his wild and funny stories, it seemed like he had lived 100 different lifetimes. But there were parts of his life that remained a mystery, untold stories waiting to be discovered or prompted to share. When I stumbled upon Storyworth, I knew it was the perfect chance to learn more about him and connect with the man who's always been my hero.

Each week for a year, the Storyworth subscription sends a story prompt to his inbox, which then is sent to my inbox when he completes a story. They were designed to spark memories and reflection and as I read my dad's responses, I felt like I was being transported back in time, immersed in his world in his own words, hearing his voice in each story. The tales he shared painted such vivid pictures of his childhood, his adventures, and the lessons he learned along the way. These stories revealed not only his experiences but also the values and events that have shaped him. What's truly amazing about Storyworth is how it sparked conversations between us. Those stories became a springboard for follow-up discussions that have helped me come to understand how he thinks, looks at the world, and makes decisions. 

Oh, and the best part? At the end of the year, all these incredible stories will be compiled into a beautiful keepsake book for our family. This book will be cherished not just by our family but by future generations too, giving them a glimpse into the extraordinary person my dad is, in his own words. I can’t wait to see the final book!

So, as we celebrate Father's Day, I want to encourage you to consider the magic of storytelling. It's been a personal joy for me to dive into my dad's untold stories and strengthen our understanding along the way. This year of stories has already given my family a deeper connection, a treasure trove of memories, and a legacy to hold onto. This is the perfect gift for someone who is notoriously impossible to shop for and has turned into the gift that keeps on giving!