TSALT Chat: Andre Crochet

Isn’t it funny how big things come in small packages? That’s exactly how I felt when I met Andre Crochet, local personal trainer and good friend of mine. She’s one of the tiniest humans I know and also one of the strongest!Andre operates her personal training business out of her home in Alexandria. When you walk into her space you immediately feel like you’re about to get worked!!After I had my daughter I was looking to get back in shape. To me that means strong, but not bulky - something a lot of women are hoping to achieve through a fitness routine. What really impressed me about Andre was that her initial session was solely based on form. She would break exercises down into 2-3 parts, making sure you executed each movement correctly before advancing onto the next. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve injured myself because the trainer or class instructor didn’t help me with form! The other piece I loved was that Andre was equally as concerned with stretching, warming up and cooling down as she was with the actual workout. I feel like people don’t value that piece when it comes to training and it’s the most important part.I could go on and on, but I’ll let you learn more about Andre below...in her own words! P.S. - Andre has amazing style so it was a total treat to work with her on this shoot! 


Where are you from and how did you end up in Alexandria, Virginia?

I'm from Thibodaux, Louisiana which is about an hour southwest of New Orleans. "Who dat? Who dat? Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints? Who Dat!!" My husband and I were living in Ocean Springs, MS and his career with MGM Resorts International brought us to the area. We chose to live in Alexandria because we knew one couple here and it was super close to my husband's office in National Harbor.

What sparked your interest in the fitness world and how long have you been a personal trainer?

Since high school I've been very interested in the fitness industry. Playing sports, being active, and being outdoors has always been very important to me. After high school I went to college, received my degree, and went straight to work in the corporate world. I did what I thought everyone wanted me to do. But I was not happy. When my husband and I moved to Alexandria he told me to follow my heart and pursue personal training.  So, I put my big girl pants on, and studied and trained my tail off. Almost five years later with the support of many people, it was one of the the best decisions I've ever made. And I have to say...my husband is my biggest supporter!

How would you describe your coaching style?

Approachable, focused, patient, and fun.



How do you help your clients tackle their fitness goals?

I really try and approach fitness 80/20 and sometimes 70/30.  Meaning 80-70% of the time I eat and drink clean and 20-30% of the time I have pizza, wine, beer, etc! It keeps me sane...and you have to live your life! The same goes for training and working out. Be consistent, but it's also okay if you miss a workout session. It's not the end of the world. Life happens. Just get back at it the next day or two! Or even the next week! I try and live a lifestyle that is sustainable. I want to be a good and realistic example to my clients. I mean, how boring would life be without pizza and wine!?

Describe a typical training session.

A typical training session with me lasts about an hour.  As soon as my client arrives I like to catch up with them and see what's going on in their life. I also ask about any soreness, pain or injuries they may be experiencing so I can modify their program if needed. A lot can happen in a week! We always start with a warm up of foam rolling, stretching and mobility based on their current needs. Once they are loosened up, I like to get in some glut and core activation following with an exercise that gets their heart bumpin'. From there, we move to strength training. This can be anything from body weight movements to kettle bell and barbell movements to band work. Every client is different and has different goals, so I tailor the movements to fit their needs. After strength training we have the finale! This is anywhere from 5-10 minutes of endurance training. Your heart is thumping and you are moving, swinging, slamming, etc!! So fun! And of course we always end with a cool down.

Where are you located and how can people get in touch?

I train out of my home studio located in Alexandria, VA. I can be reached at andrecrochet@yahoo.com.



DETAILS | Click to shop the looks

Look 1

Smythe JacketGood American Jeans (available in store)Frame Belt (available in store)

Look 2

Nanushka DressEleven Six SweaterLet&Her bag (available in store)

Look 3

Nanushka SweaterNanushka PantsSondra Roberts Bag (available in store)



Street Style: Laura Hooper & Alyssa Law


Pilates Helps Your Back. End of Story.