Getting Unstuck + Focusing Forward...With a $1,200 Giveaway!

Over the past few weeks I have had multiple friends, clients, and associates share how much they are enjoying my social media feed. It’s been kind of crazy, the amount of feedback I’ve received. Even Sal, who’s been the master behind my hair for more than 20 years, commented on how he’s noticed a change in the tone of my feed. Mind you, Sal has not been on the Gram for very long but this guy is definitely detail oriented. He very eloquently told me that it feels less inhibited. I had to agree with him. A couple days later another friend told me one of her daughter’s favorite “chillaxing” things to do at college is following my Insta Stories. This almost makes up for the fact that my own daughter does not follow me!The only explanation I can come up with is that I finally got unstuck. It was a long and arduous process but there’s been a shift in my left brain that is allowing me to feel the tangible joy of creative expression again. While I’m not an expert on the effects of stuck energy, I had been doing a lot of research on the importance of releasing it. I can say with certainty that I was battling the symptoms of depression and working hard to keep it at bay with dedicated workouts and focusing on my diet. Throughout this period I also had an incredible community of women around me who held me up -- and I’ll always feel humbled by the unsolicited love and support I received.  So now it’s time to celebrate and pay it forward with a giveaway! One of many rewards of restoring my energetic integrity is that I have found that healthy balance of doing, being, and receiving. When I was stuck, I had a hard time “doing.” Has anyone heard the term analysis paralysis? Defined, this is pretty much as you would imagine. I had an extremely hard time getting the smallest of tasks done. Now however, the flood gates have opened and the ideas are flowing freely and frequently. 

This is where things are about to get interesting!

 I would like to help someone who may be feeling a little “analysis paralysis” with their wardrobe. One underlying theme I receive when I run into friends who know my business is that they have a really hard time figuring out what to wear when something falls outside of their normal routine. Many minutes are spent staring at the closet of clothing and realizing they can’t find anything to wear. While these are just the people I happen to come across that actually know what I do, I imagine there are plenty who I never come in contact with who are feeling just as frustrated. Dressing yourself should not be so difficult but over time, styles change, we change, and then the selections available change…even the process for shopping changes! Keeping up is not that simple any longer. While many other tasks have been fast-tracked using technology and the internet, going shopping still requires a certain amount of time and patience. If you are short on either, bad decisions can be the unfortunate -- and expensive -- result.What makes me a master at this task for women especially is that I have logged in those 10,000 hours over the course of my career. The solutions come quickly to me since I pour over fit issues, brands, collections, and price points on a daily basis. As a kickoff to this leg of my wardrobe architecture business, I’m going to give one lucky Stylebook reader an entire year of virtual services valued at $1,200! 

Here is what it will look like…

 There will be an initial meeting either over FaceTime or, if you are local, 90 minutes at your home assessing what you have and what your goals are. I will follow up with a strategy and links to missing elements. We’ll also have time to discuss how you are evolving. Our lives were meant to ebb and flow so it’s only natural that this impacts our wardrobes, as well. New jobs, retirement, moving to a new location, and having children are just some of the reasons women could use a little professional guidance season to season. Then there will be three quarterly updates over FaceTime where we will do a seasonal refresh and discuss where you are hitting roadblocks, what has been successful, and what you might have coming up in the next three months. After each virtual meeting I will send you links to the pieces you need, along with how they will build upon what you already have. 

Who wouldn’t want to get a step by step process in place for an entire year?

 In order to participate you will need to qualify by doing the following… 

  1. Go to my Instagram and like the post promoting “Reach Out and Style Someone"
  2. Follow my feed @tullebox
  3. Tag a friend or a few friends to get more entries (every tagged friend will receive an additional entry). They don’t have to live in Alexandria or the DMV to be able to win!
  4. Repost the image on your Facebook or Instagram tagging @tullebox or #reachoutandstylesomeone and receive two additional entries!

 I’ll be tracking our success on my Stories and then we’ll do an update here on Stylebook in six months to measure your progress. If you or someone you know would greatly benefit from this pivotal energy shift in your wardrobe and lifestyle, by all means head over to @tullebox and get going. On Friday, March 1st, I will announce the winner live on my Instagram at noon...and there will be a few consolation prizes for second and third place! To keep all communication accessible, there will be a Highlight on Instagram as well. Could there be a better way to head into spring than with the guidance of your own personal wardrobe architect?! I think not! 


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