Alexandria Stylebook

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Two Back To School Supplies That Will Stand Out

If you are anything like me, summer was way too short and all of a sudden it is time to start putting together back to school supplies for your children. In gathering items for my own, I realized that we had two really neat items at the yarn shop that she could use for school - and they were both on her supply list! Our stitcher community really does excel at creating unique tools that are functional and beautiful. I’m excited to have a couple that my own kiddo can take to school this year:

Cohana Paperboard Toolcase

This is a slick pencil case with some extra functionality. This paper-based case is crafted by skilled craftsmen at Chikamori Co. Ltd in Japan. It is an easy-to-carry square cylindrical tool case that opens horizontally into a tray for easy access to the contents inside. It has a few extras that you may not notice right away. There are two magnets built into the inside of the tray, so paperclips and other small metal items can be stored without hassle or spillage. Ruler scales are etched into the surface of the tool case so your child will always have a ruler handy. And because it is paper, it lends itself to personalization. Invite your child to draw on their new pencil case before the start of school!

Wrist Ruler

As stitchers, we are always in need of a tape measure (and can never find one)! This thin wrist ruler is worn around the wrist and is both decorative and functional. It is only a quarter inch thick and comes with engraved quarter inch markings. It closes with a magnetic clasp, which is easy to take off for quick measurements. When choosing a size, keep in mind that it will wrap twice around the wrist, so leave some wiggle room between the ruler and your wrist for the most comfortable fit. It comes in 14", 15", 16", and 17" sizes and three colors.