What Do You Think Of When You Hear The Word “Art”?

What do you think of when you hear the word art: paintings, sculpture, music, or your grandmother’s quilt? What about movies, theater, poems or jewelry? What is art exactly? Many people believe art can be anything that stirs emotion in you. Three different people can experience the same piece of art and have varied reactions. One person may think it's breathtaking; the second person may not like it and the third might just think meh. None of them would be wrong. We all react to art differently and we each have the potential to grow and learn from it. Art tells stories and taps into our emotions in ways that few other things can.

Patina is fortunate to carry the art of Mindy Lam. Mindy’s exquisite creations are like walking through a magical fairyland. Her jewelry pieces are more like sculptures and are composed of 14k gold, copper or stainless-steel wire wrapped around vintage crystals and semi-precious stones. She includes at least one vintage piece of jewelry in each of her creations. “Vintage and new ensure that the piece is timeless,” she says. We couldn’t agree more as we do the same with interior design. We invite you to come and experience the art of Mindy Lam.

P.S. We haven’t forgotten men-Mindy’s brooches are amazing lapel art. They elevate daily wear and make great wearable keepsakes for weddings and special events. Come see for yourself!

Amanda Mertins

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Patina Polished Living was created 10 years ago by friends Amanda Mertins and Kimberly Weiler. 

Amanda Mertins was born in Ohio and graduated the University of Maryland with a degree in Economics. She started moving and editing furniture and accessories while in grade school and hasn’t stopped since. She enjoys baking desserts and playing with her grandchildren.

Kim Weiler was born in Pennsylvania and graduated the University of the Arts with a degree in graphic design. Upon graduating, she was immediately hired by one of her professors at the Katz Wheeler Design firm. She loves design, gardening, sweet tea and all French bulldogs.

Amanda and Kim are excellent complements to one another-one could even say the Yin and Yang of design. Being very different people but with interconnected forces is the reason their partnership continues to flourish.

Patina Polished Living


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