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5 Strength Moves You Should Do Every Day

Sometimes people just want to be told what to do. That's me too. I thought about this the other day; I would love for someone to just tell me what to buy and prepare for lunch and dinner every day. So it got me thinking - what about strength movements we could do anywhere, any time? I know, you have seen this from me before (5 Stretches You Should Do Every Day, Your Vacation Exercise Prescription). I am bringing you more since they have been some of my most read posts!

Right now, if I were to pick my top five, I would pick low maintenance (no extras like mats, shoes, garments, or props needed) and the best total body strengthening in the least amount of time. Since we are not using massive resistance, these moves are safe to do most days of the week. In reality, you could do them every day, but as we all know, life happens.

Practice these moves daily in this order:

1. Classic Squat: I know, so cliche, but truly, this is not only a good warm-up exercise but also the perfect full lower body functional movement. Practicing a good squat helps with your lifting mechanics (think groceries, laundry baskets, baby car seats). Place your feet wider than your shoulders. You can play around with keeping them straight or turning them out. Pitch your bum back like you are about to sit in a chair. Breathe the whole time but exhale on the part that feels like the most effort.

2. Table Tricep Dips: Keep your chest lifted so that you are not sagging into your shoulders, and start with "soft" but straight elbows.

3. Curtsey - Reach: This is a crowd favorite, but that doesn't mean it's easy. I think people like this move because they can truly see and feel the change in their whole body, especially their glutes, abdominals, and arms. Make sure your arms are directly underneath your shoulders. If you only have time for one move, this is it.

4. Tight Lunge: I'm not going to lie, NO ONE likes this one in my classes. Because we change the back leg and focus on the trunk, this version is way more challenging on the legs! Be sure to tuck your bum underneath you and do not lean forward with your trunk (see the no-no photo). When you lean forward, that takes the load off of your legs and makes it easier, so likeā€¦ don't do that, okay?

5. Side - Plank - Side: Be aware of your hand position; make sure your hand is directly underneath your armpit, and your elbow is soft, not locked out; it always plays tricks on you, so use a mirror or take a video to check your form. With that form fix, this one is a game changer! Also, pay attention to your feet. Make sure you are using the edges of your feet and NOT the bottom of your feet. This strengthens your ankles and improves your walking, running, and balance.

For more tips, come see us at Mind the Mat and follow me on Instagram.

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