5 Ways To Maximize Your Ride at Ascend

A ride at Ascend is a challenging -- and rewarding -- experience, both mentally and physically. Here are our top five tips to make sure that you get the very most out of the time you invest in our studio. 

1. Eat and Drink, Before and After

Obviously, you can’t perform well if you’re undernourished or dehydrated. The key to any successful workout – or day, even – is eating well and staying hydrated. How much you should eat prior to class is very individualized, but for most people about 150 calories in a combination of protein and carbs 30-60 mins before your workout will be enough to fuel you and not upset your stomach. Replenish your energy within 20-30 minutes of the ride with a small snack combining protein, carbs, and healthy fat at roughly 200 calories. Eating before and after ensures you have enough energy to crush your ride, and rebuild, and repair your muscles. 

2. Pedal Correctly

It’s easy to hop on the bike and start grinding. It’s much more challenging to execute proper pedal technique. But with it, you’ll achieve better results and lower instance of injury. We describe a proper pedal stroke as pedaling in a circle, which requires engaging the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. With this focus, you feel stronger, smoother, and more confident on the bike. 

3. Find the Beat

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Not only does music motivate, but it also holds you accountable to the ride. Connecting to the beat may seem obvious, but at Ascend, it’s paramount. And it’s not because we as instructors like to see the class moving as one (although it is pretty cool to watch the riders cycling in tandem!) but because the beat provides a subconscious means for you to keep moving. During difficult drills, or fast-paced runs, the beat might be the only thing preventing you from slowing down. It’s the motivation, the driver, the constant you can rely on to get you pumped, to keep you moving, and to push you just outside of that comfort zone. And those are the moments when you get stronger. 

4. Stay Committed

Your workouts are your time to reconnect – with yourself. Plan your weeks’ worth of rides, get your favorite bike booked, and then build your life around it. It’s easy to make excuses or to let your workout slip to the bottom of your priority list. But don’t let it! Remember that feeling of accomplishment that you feel when you walk out the door after a killer ride. 

5. Be Mindful

Get your head in the game! Turn off your phone. Let go of whatever is happening outside the studio. This time is yours. Dedicate it to yourself. Allow yourself 50 minutes to reset, refuel, and refocus. The Ascend methodology is based in perceived exertion – that means we have to pay attention to our body, how it’s feeling, how hard it’s working. We can’t do that if we’re distracted. The ride requires internal focus, which isn’t something we typically practice in our everyday life. Take advantage of the time, be mindful of your time, and reconnect with that better version of yourself.  


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