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8 Astounding Health Benefits: Why You Need HOT Yoga & Pilates NOW

Let me make it easy for you to understand why you need hot yoga and Pilates in your life, starting NOW! Both Mind the Mat locations, in Alexandria and Arlington, have state-of-the-art hot studios that we installed because we know the benefits well - and we want you to know too. The heat is back even stronger than before in Alexandria, and it's extra hot! Classes range from 80 - 95 degrees, with 50% humidity. We offer various levels and styles, so there's something for everybody. Not convinced?

Read on for the eight health benefits of hot yoga and Pilates:

1. Heat loosens tight muscles and increases flexibility. Flexibility is an absolute MUST for optimal athletic performance and overall health as you age. 

2. Sweating cleanses your body by pushing out toxins and stress hormones that store in your muscles. As a certified massage therapist, I know how much lactic acid and stress hormones people hold in their muscles. I see it every single day. Let me tell you, you need a way to get it out! I sit in my home infrared sauna every day for just this reason. Mind the Mat's Arlington hot studio has infrared heat. Infrared heat has double the benefits because it penetrates the muscles even more deeply than regular heat to clear out the yucky stuff while you work out.

3. Updated scientific research on the benefits of heat exposure confirms that working out in a professionally heated studio like the ones at Mind the Mat is an incredible boost for your immune system and cardiovascular health. 

4. Science has also confirmed that working out in hot studios increases your metabolism and burns more calories than the same activity in a non-heated studio. Hot yoga and Pilates aid in healthy weight loss. 

5. Working out in a hot studio is like getting a deep cleansing facial, but all over your body! Heat and sweat open your pores and release toxins from your skin (your largest organ) for an all-over radiant glow. You get double the benefits from your time and investment.

6. Working out in a hot studio supports the release of tension in your body and reduces stress. The body-mind connection is real. When you breathe deeply, move your body, sweat, and cleanse, your mind comes along for the ride. After hot yoga and Pilates, your mind will feel clearer and more focused, and you will experience a boost in your mood. The American Psychological Association confirms that yoga decreases depression and anxiety.

7. Recent scientific studies have concluded that working out in a hot studio reduces the effects of osteopenia and osteoporosis for women by vastly improving circulation, respiration, and perspiration. Hot yoga and Pilates can halt bone loss which tends to happen to women during perimenopause and menopause. In fact, during these phases of life, most women lose up to 50 percent of their bone density.

8. Hot yoga and Pilates increase your endurance and strength by providing a hefty supply of nutrients and oxygen to your muscles which are necessary for healing and toning muscle fibers.

It is important to note that all the benefits listed above are supported and enhanced by necessary hydration. Start each day with a cup of warm water. Drink room temperature water throughout the day, before, during, and after working out in a hot studio. 

Start NOW with this HOT deal! We are offering five classes for $50. Get it while it's HOT, as many times as you desire through the month of May.